Chapter #4 (Final)

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"LANCE! WHERE WERE Y--" Allura shouted, but stopped when she saw the note. The others around her read it, their eyes widened. "No...No no no.." They desperately knocked on the door, but no answer. Pidge hacked the door password and opened it.

There, they saw me. Pale skin, lifeless eyes, and tears still on my cheeks. I was quiet, just hanging there, not moving.

-The note read: I can't take it anymore, I'm always being ignored, being called useless, and never given a chance. I just can't take it anymore Allura.. These past 3 days, I didn't eat, drink, and didn't leave my room, because I saw no point in someone like me trying to be useful. I cried myself to sleep every night. I can do whatever I want huh? Well, this is what I want. I hope this brings you happiness Allura, everyone.."

Pidge ran out the room with her mouth filled with Vomit, along with Hunk. Keith just stood there, eyes tearing up, looking at my rotting corps. He turned to Allura and asked her in a loud voice. "Why.. Why did he mention you so much in his suicide note?!"

"It was all my fault. Yes, I did call him useless, and ignored him, but I never expected this.." "THEN WHAT DID YOU EXPECT!? HOW LONG DID YOU THINK SOMEONE COULD HANDLE THAT FOR!?"

Keith walked up to me, and looked at me in the eyes. His eyes filled with tears, "We wish we knew about this Lance, we would've helped you.." He walked up to Allura and slapped her in the face with full force. "I.. Deserved that.." "LIKE HELL YOU DID!"

He walked out of the room,  Allura behind him, leaving my corps alone. Although I wasn't alive, I still felt the dark, cold, lonely room fill me with sadness..

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