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So now we are in the car on the way to the adoption center.I still can't believe they are bringing me back.

We are now in front of the center.Now that I think about it I would rather be here them with Rihanna and Chris.

Chris:"we guess thus is good bye"


Chris:"I don't get a hug"

Rihanna:"she doesn't need a hug now let's go"

With that Rihanna pulled him out.Well I guess that was it.I guess I'm lonely.

¤¤¤¤2 months later¤¤¤¤

So I'm sitting in my room starring at the wall.All these two months all I did was eat, sleep, and use the bathroom.And everytime I come down stairs the little kids are always watching t.v..I only come down to eat.

-lunch time-

As I was heading to dining room all the kids were infront of the t.v. .So meme being the curious person I am I went to go see what was on the t.v. and when I got there I couldn't believe my eyes.

come back please(Chris brown)Where stories live. Discover now