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There on the t.v. it said Chris had beaten Rihanna  and they broke up. I mean could you blame the guy, that bitch was annoying.Always wanting this always wanting that. It's  just not right.Well now that I'm done here I shall head up stairs.

Just as I am about to go up stairs there is a knock on the door. There standing their (in my American apperal  under wear)was Chris.

I bolted upstairs fast so he wouldn't see me. But I guess I'm not the quietest when it comes to going up the stairs fast. He called my name ,but I kept going. I then heard footsteps coming up behind me and they were gaining quick. Gosh I need to work out more.

Chris:"Maddy please stop I'm sorry"

Maddy:" well not sorry enough"

Chris:"I will do anything"



Maddy:"well I don't want what you have to offer"

Chris:" please  what I did was a huge mistake I don't know why I ever let that bitch convince me to let you go"



Well guys I am back I finally did it


come back please(Chris brown)Where stories live. Discover now