the second meeting

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Cali was out of the void a month later and was on her way to the shops on the surface, shes still wearing the same clothes as before but with no blood and no cut across her chest, the glitches covering her right eye and hands are gone, she covers her right eye with her reddish-pink hair and covers her hands with gloves.

She hears fighting from inside Judgement Hall and goes there and pokes her head inside, she sees Papyrus struggling to stay alive against a barrage of attacks from a shadowed figure similar in looks and stature of Cali, but completely black with red pupil eye things and dark red stuff dripping from the eyes and mouth of this person "Echo!" Cali whispers afraid for Papyrus, she gets filled with DETERMINATION to protect Papyrus, and she teleports in front of Papyrus and summons a green shield to block the attack that "Echo" aimed at Papyrus, she turns to face Papyrus and says offering him her hand "here get up Papy", Papyrus takes the hand and gets up "thanks for helping me" he says smiling, "now! Time for you to run....... I'll handle this" Cali says turning to face her opponent summoning two Gaster Blasters either side of her "now Echo........ How have ya been you dirty family killer" she says with tones of anger, Snarkiness and a tad bit of insanity in her voice. "Wow....... Cali stepping up from a weak pacifist to an overprotective fighter" Echo says slowly clapping with sarcasm in her voice, "shut up" Cali says with her left eye glowing a bright orangish pink colour, Echo thinks then says "how about no" Cali groans and facepalms "why must we always fight?" She says "aww come on Cali, it's fun to fight you" Echo says grabbing Cali's soul and slamming her against the wall

Cali grunts when she hit the wall and she gets to her feet and launched the gaster Blasters (she summoned earlier) at Echo, Echo dodges the blasts and throws her knife at Cali, Cali dodges in return and grabs Echo's soul and slams Echo into the wall, echo grunts with anger and launches a gaster blaster at Cali, Cali teleports out of the way and looks behind her to see papyrus still standing there "papyrus what are you doing?!?! RUN!" she yells to him, she gets hit seconds later by one if echos knives

Papyrus freezes in place out of shock, Cali gets up and rips the knife out of her side, she grunts and quickly grabs a chocolate bar from her inventory, she eats the chocolate bar and rushes forwards having summoned a sword a few seconds after eating the chocolate bar. she swings an overhead cut at echo, echo dodges and grabs Calis soul and throws her into a pillar, Cali grunts and goes to get up, bones are sent up from the floor and right into Calis chest.

papyrus instantly fights echo and manages to get the bones out of Cali and starts to heal her, echo disappears "thank you paps......" Cali says weakly "no problem! tho I owe you for saving my life, so this is my thanks" papyrus says finishing healing her.

Cali gets up and says "at some point do you want to hang out at my place?", papyrus nods and says "sure! where do you live?", "in snowdin..... its the house closest to waterfall" she says and then proceeds to walk out of judgement hall, "see you next week?" papyrus asks, cali says before she walks out of the room "sure....."

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