the mistake

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Papyrus then finishes making the spaghetti an hour later, cali was sitting on the couch reading a book on science fiction. "Calibri! The spaghetti is ready!" Papyrus says passing a plate to cali, "oooo smells and looks delicious" she says and starts to eat it, she tastes the salt, her eyesocket that can be seen goes pitch black, "pap...... Did you add salt into this?" She asks, "yes! Enough to make the spaghetti great, why ask?" Papyrus asks starting to get worried by her expression, "I'm allergic to sea salt" she says and hands him back the plate then rushes to the bathroom and vomits up the food, papyrus realises what he has accidentally done, he just made his new friend have an allergic reaction, skeletons shouldn't have allergies and yet she does. Papyrus freaks out, he hears cali collapse to the ground in the bathroom.

He quickly rushes to the bathroom to help cali while he was freaking out, he takes her to where her room appears to be, it's neater then what sanses room was but its still sorta messy, papyrus places calis unconscious body onto her bed and called sans letting him know that he will be sleeping over with cali for the night. Sans is fine with it and drops off papyruses pyjamas for the night. Papyrus of course afterwards was watching over his new friend worried, after quite a few hours and accidental naps later cali wakes up.

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