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Part 20 Wow would you look at that.

Just look at it

Would ya look at it

As the bus pulled up in the car park, I felt more exited than I ever had before. I jumped up when I felt the bus slow down and stop, bouncing up and down on my toes. Mikey laughed, putting a hand on my shoulder so I could steady myself.

Gerard held out his hand as I stepped off the bus. I took it and jumped the last two, landing with my legs bent. I bowed and stood back up sharply, and everyone laughed. I smiled and shook my head lightly.

We entered a large building, which I assumed was where we'd be performing that night. We waltzed through a maze of corridors and rooms, before coming into a large one, with a desk, and a small seating area, with cameras and microphones. I kept my head bent slightly, looking up with my eyes. "My Chemical Romance?" The lady at the desk asked. We nodded, and she pointed to a small cluster of people.

I followed them over, and most of the group scattered away, apart from 3. The woman in the centre turned to look at us. "Hi, you must be My Chemical Romance. Delighted to meet you. I'm Kathy, I'll be interviewing you today." She said, gesturing to the couches. We all sat down, me in the middle, Mikey and Gerard to my left, Frank, Ray and Bob to my right. I crossed my leg, shaking my foot about a little. Mikey held my foot to stop it shaking, and he looked and smiled at me. I smiled back, feeling more at ease knowing that my family wouldn't be going anywhere. Kathy sat opposite us, with a microphone of her own, she also gave one to Gerard, Frank and Ray. "3, 2, 1, rolling." I looked at her, surprised the interview had begun so quickly. "Hi, I'm Kathy Delores from the sound studio and we're here today with My Chemical Romance! How are you?"
"Good." We all said in sync.
"Now, if I'm correct, this is Erin's first tour?" I nodded, saying yeah. Frank held his microphone in front of me so I could talk. "This is my first ever show performing tonight, actually."
"Wow, you must be very exited?"
"Incredibly. But I'm also kinda nervous." I grinned.
"Any reason why?" I paused, glancing at the others. I didn't want to have to go into detail. I caught Gerard's eye and he shook his head very briefly, but just enough for me to pick up on. "No, not really. I think it's just because it's my first ever time performing in front of a crowd bigger than 10 people. I'm more exited than nervous." I giggled. Kathy smiled a little. "Are you happy you're doing it with your brothers?" I nodded vigorously. "There is no other group of people in the world I'd rather be going onto that stage tonight with. I love my brothers with all my heart, there's no doubt about it. When I say 'my brothers', I don't just mean gee and Mikey. I mean every single person on this couch with me. They were the only people who would believe in me. They would protect me with their lives. The only people who loved me. I think, that without my brothers, I wouldn't be here on this earth right now." I looked round. Gerard was grinning, his cheek resting on his hand he was blushing. Mikey was sat with his arms crossed, one hand over his mouth, smiling too. Frank was biting his bottom lip, looking down and blushing, Ray was too. Bob was sat smiling, not looking at us, but away, as if in thought. "And I'm sure it's the same the other way round?" Kathy said, but it was phrased more as a question. "Oh absolutely. When I was younger, I always wanted a little sister."
"Then I happened." I said, grinning with both hands under my chin. Everyone laughed. "And I'm glad you did. I don't know what any of us would do without her. She is our world." I blushed, but continued to grin. "Do your brothers ever annoy you?" I smiled and thought, chewing on my gum. "They get on my nerves sometimes. I'm never really mad or annoyed, it's quite funny most the time." I said.
"Is their anything they'd do to get on your nerves?" I smiled again.
"Frank hogs all the blankets." He laughed, nodding. "So does Gerard."
"No I do not!"
"Yes you do, don't even lie!" We all laughed. "Ray isn't annoying honestly." He laughed and thanked me. "Bob will just say things that are just so vague they annoy you." He smiled and chuckled. "That's true."
"Frank doesn't have a set thing, he just is annoying. I have a line, and he just sees how far he can get without crossing it." We all laughed, and All agreed, even Frank. "I don't think he, or anyone here has actually crossed it. I've never actually got mad or really annoyed at someone here for doing something that I can think of."
"I can't imagine an angry Erin." Ray said. We all nodded. "I've gotten angry, just never in front of you guys." They raised their eyebrows.
"Mikey isn't really annoying, even though he's my brother. He tickles me all the time, which I hate." We laughed again. "Actually no, they all do. They know I hate it, they do it to annoy me- see this is my point!" I yelled. Frank slowly reached his hand over to me and I pushed his arm. "Don't you fucking dare." I said through gritted teeth. He giggled. "Would you define anyone here as annoying?" All eyes went to frank. He raised his shoulders. "What?" We laughed. "I wouldn't use that as my first word to describe him, I love him really."
"How would you describe your brothers?"
"Well, Gerard is sort of the father of the group, especially to me and Mikey." Everyone was nodding in time. "Our Dad was never really there, so it was mainly Gerard who sort of acted as the father, but still in an older brotherly sort of way?" I said.
"In what kind of cases?"
"Well there's this tree down the road from where we live. We called it the Way tree, because it was where we spent most of our childhood." I glanced over to Mikey, who was smiling. "Mikey already knows what story I'm gonna tell! Anyway, so one night we snuck out to climb it, and the branch Mikey was climbing snapped and he fell - we were a good 20 feet up as well! I was screaming, I thought he was dead. Mikey was crying, it was horrific. Gerard literally took me by the hand and helped me out of the tree, and knelt next to Mikey, asking where he was hurt, and saying that he was going to be okay - even though he obviously wasn't." I laughed. "We tried getting him up, but he couldn't walk, so he literally got Mikey up on his back - like giving him a piggyback, and held my hand and walked us home. He broke both his knees, but it's in situations like that where you can sort of see where I'm coming from." Kathy nodded.
"Mikey nearly died quite a few times growing up." Frank claimed. Mikey nodded with a frown, but I could see he was holding back laughter. "I feel really bad now! It was most of the time my fault as well!" We all laughed. "We once went skating in our sneakers on this frozen over lake, side note, don't ever do that, please, and I dared Mikey to jump. He did, but he sort of stomped as he did. And the entire ice beneath him cracked. He tried like to run, but he slipped and nearly fell into the water, bare in mind the water below had to be at least 10 degrees, even colder! It was terrifying at the time, but looking back on it it's really quite funny." We smiled.

The interview went on for a while after that. Once we had finished, a man came and took our microphones away. We remain seated, as we had been told that we would be having a few photos taken too. We changed our positioning on the squished up couch, so that Mikey, Gerard and I were sitting on the front, and bob, Ray and Frank were sat on the back bit behind us. Frank kept ruffling my hair, and I had to keep dodging his hand.

I stuck my tongue out while the others pulled very serious looking faces. This made me giggle, looking very out of place amongst the others "I can't take this seriously!" I laughed, making the others break character too. "Come on Erin, stop smiling!" Mikey said, but he was laughing too. I calmed myself and exhaled. "Okay I've got this." I managed to stop my laughing fit, and pull a serious face. Just before the picture was taken, Frank dug both his thumbs into my ribs. I squeaked, sinking down into the chair and laughing like mad. "No! Stop!" Everyone else began to laugh too. "I had it that time as well!" He pulled a stupid face and mocked me. I stuck my tongue out, before turning back round. "One more." The guy behind the camera nodded. We all made serious faces while the picture was taken, and afterwards I stared laughing again. "I will get better at that." I claimed. The others laughed too.

This was only the beginning.

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