.: 3-1 :.

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"She's awake."

Jimin urged Taehyung to follow him.

"Hold on. Is everyone okay?"

As he asked, a scream was heard. It was faint. As the third scream was heard, Taehyung grabbed Jimin's sleeve and ran down the hall. 

Doctors were looking around, patients were staring out through the cracks and bars of their doors, and they were unsure of what was going on. Still, Taehyung and Jimin ran. 

"Taehyung, hold on, slow down!" Jimin said with heavy breaths. Taehyung slowly came to a complete stop and both men put their arms behind their heads to help them breathe. Jimin looked at the younger doctor and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure it's nothing too serious. Maybe we can call down there and check," he suggested. The older paced back and forth and decided that it was worth a shot.

"Alright, Jimin, come on."

They walked into the nearest office and the secretary looked at them with wide eyes. Their hair was messed up, heavy breaths escaped their exhausted bodies, and they looked like they were going to pass out. 

"Excuse me, sweetheart, I just need to use your phone," Taehyung whispered to her with a slight smile. He reached over the large, oak desk and took the phone off the hook. After dialing a number and waiting for someone to answer, Taehyung hears a familiar voice.

"You've reached Dr. Kim Namjoon."

"Namjoon, it's Taehyung. What's going on down there? Is Minjoon okay?"

"Oh, Taehyung! Thank GOD! Listen, we don't know what's happening. Minjoon woke up and just started screaming out of nowhere!"

"She's probably having another psychotic episode. Try to calm her down. Jimin and I are coming."

"We'll try our best. See you soon."

As Taehyung hung up the phone, Jimin was already halfway out the door. They rushed down the hall in search of stairs or a working elevator. Taehyung stopped and tried to see if the elevator would make it fast enough. While he waited, Jimin ran to the end of the hall to find a staircase.

"Tae! Here's a staircase!" he yelled, his voice echoed down the hall.

"Alright, let's go."

Taehyung ran to the end of the hall and, with Jimin, down the concrete stairs. 

When they reached the first floor, they stopped and leaned against the wall.

"Oh my god, why did we run so fast?" Jimin asked with a chuckle. 

They walked out of the corridor and looked around to see a bunch of doctors pacing to and fro.

"Must be a busy day," Taehyung muttered to himself.

They walked down the hall and came across an old, white door. Its age was evident due to the rust and paint chips that were scattered all over its surface. That and the high-pitched squeaks it made when Jimin opened it. 

"Wow that's loud," Jimin said as he held the door open.

Taehyung descended the concrete steps with Jimin close behind.

Once they reached the bottom of the stairs, they see Namjoon holding onto a sobbing MinJoon. She kicked and screamed, but Namjoon wasn't budging.   

"Let me go!" she cried, "I need to save them!"

Taeyhyung eyed the girl curiously. He watched as she thrashed in Namjoon's strong arms and made no effort to stop him. 

"Taehyung," Jimin whispered, distracting Taehyung away from his thoughts, "Aren't you going to do something?"

Taehyung thought for a second and decided to make his presence known.

"Namjoon," Taehyung said sternly.

At the sound of his name, Namjoon looked up. His eyes slightly widened with surprise.

"Taehyung! Thank goodness! Mind if I request some assistance?"

Taehyung whispered something to Jimin and slowly walked towards Namjoon. 

"Let her go," he said. 


I'm sorryyyyyyyy! I meant to post this a looooong time ago but it just never felt.. right. SO I tried to fix it to where I like it and I hope y'all enjoy (:

Pt. 2 is coming! I just gotta not have a writing block or be working XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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