Chapter 11: Mine?

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Blake's POV

I leaned in closer so I could continue to hear their conversation a bit better. Aaron seemed to take a long time to reply and I was getting irritated because I wanted to hear his conversation.

"Awww, thanks Ashy," Aaron replied. Dislike came over Asher's face due to him hearing the new nickname. However, I was more concerned with why Aaron was calling him. Slowly, I reached to wake up Riley quietly. Which didn't go that well. I first shook him on the shoulders, but Riley had different plans and decided to slap me in the face. I guess the slapping sound was really loud because Asher looked over to the bed, and I had to race to get into a weird position, which ended up being Riley and I cuddling. I was going to shake Riley again but in fear of getting slapped again, I decided not to.

Then I got a brilliant idea! "Aaron Silver and Asher might be dating or they like each other and if we don't do something our mate will reject us!" I whispered so lowly that a werewolf would have trouble hearing it.I quickly put my hand over Riley's mouth as her sprung off the bed and probably was going to scream and talk shit about Mr. Silver and then was going to claim Asher right there. Lucky for me Asher had stepped into the bathroom and so he didn't hear Riley shoot up off the bed almost killing me in the process.

"What the hell are you doing?! Let me go to my mate! Don't you care that Adam Sold guy is gonna take him away?!" Riley whisper, screamed with alarm and anger.

"Of course I am. Did you really think I wouldn't be upset about that? Are you sure you are my brother or did the Riley I know go off in a magical land?" I said sarcastically. "And his name is Aaron Silver, get it right! Anyway, right now he is on the phone with him and I thought I should wake you up because I knew you would be curious. Asher believes that we are sleeping right now, which is our cover up so we can listen in and do not give me bullshit about how eavesdropping is bad because I know you want to." Right at that moment, Asher came out of the bathroom and looked over to us. I quickly pushed Riley over and laid down on his chest. I could see Asher out of the corner of my eye, and saw his face flush red from the sight in front of him. I was wrapped around Riley like a monkey and he was hugging me like if he let go then he would die. I have a feeling this sight was a little bit arousing to my young mate.

"So Aaron why in the world did you call me today?" Asher asked in a hushed voice like he was afraid he would wake us up.

"I promised you a dinner today. Remember?!" Mr. Silver replied sarcastically.

"Let me at him! He cannot talk to my mate like that!" Riley scowled and tightened his grip on me. I felt the same way as him, however I had to laugh at his foolishness.

"Crap! I mean, I didn't forget, I was just checking if you remembered," Asher tried to save himself in a lame way, but watching his reactions was worth spying on him. Right now he had a flustered expression that was so adorable and said fuck me at the same time. Damn, I really need to stop talking to my dad when mom goes in heat.

"So you coming or not?" Mr. Silver asked.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm..." Asher replied in confusion.

"Hey Asher, what's going on?" Riley "woke up" and asked in "confusion".

Before answering, Asher decided to put Mr. Silver on mute so that he would not hear anything we said. "Well I have to leave because Aaron is making dinner for me. I am sorry," he explained, but I knew that Riley had different plans for him.

"Why don't you stay and eat here and eat with us?" Riley asked in a fake innocent voice. But I knew he was burning with jealousy because he forgot to block his thoughts. He was thinking 'Fuck you Aaron! Hey I got the name right! I deserve an A+ for that! Wait that's not the point, that bastard will not take my mate away!' I rolled my eyes at Riley's thoughts, although I was thinking the same thing just in harsher words.

"No it is okay, I do not want to impose on you guys. Plus, I will feel horrible if I don't go to Aaron's place because I already promised him that I would go and he is already cooking dinner for me and Jamie, maybe another day, though," Asher explained why he didn't want to have dinner with us. However, he was hiding something, because he couldn't look Riley in the eyes and I saw him playing around with his cute little hands.

"You look nervous Asher, why?" I asked as I 'woke up' from my little 'nap'. I didn't think Asher could turn anymore red but his cheeks seemed to turn even more red and I saw the little cute tips of his ears turn red as well. He seemed to be surprised as well. I guess he had not thought I would wake up in the middle of Riley's and his conversation. Whatever though. I want to make him embarrassed because he looks so cute. I can't wait to see his face all flushed when he is doing it with Riley and me.

Asher's POV

"What do y-you mean?" I asked nervously. Damn! I have no idea what's going on. One minute I'm talking to them and the next I was sleeping in their bed. I know that nothing happened but for some reason I loved their touch and felt lost when I had to get out of the bed. The heat and intensity left me wanting it more and more. However I felt extremely embarrassed looking at them because my body turned all hot and heavy just by their stare.

"I think your are hiding something from us, Asher," Blake taunted and had a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Same here! We must investigate!" Riley exclaimed and pulled me on the bed and started to tickle me. I am a very ticklish person so you can imagine my horror when he started to tickle my tummy. And yes I said tummy! Don't judge me! Back to the story, I felt myself getting pulled on top of Blake and Riley got on top of me. I felt my little buddy down there start to get a bit excited and wanted a bit attention.

Out of nowhere, Aaron started to yell, "Are you coming you not! Don't ignore me mister. I know where you live! Plus, i already made dinner." I could tell he was angry with me and if I kept him waiting he would get worried.

"Can we come?" Riley asked all the sudden.

"I'm not sure, let me ask," i replied. "Can Riley and Blake come too Aaron?"

"Umm sure but I wanted you all to myself before Jamie came but whatever," Aaron answered and I believe he had some disappointment.

"MINE!" I heard two voices yell in sync.

"What?!" I yelled in shock.

My Werewolves (boyxboyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें