Chapter 13: Dinner in Hell (Part 1)

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Asher's Point of Views

On our way to Aaron's house, I couldn't stop thinking about what Blake and Riley told me. Even though I just met the two of them I feel like there is some type of connection the three of us have and what they said made me want to cry. I know that some people don't like hugs and feel like they are too manly and hugs hurt their pride, but at that moment I had no idea how to show that their words meant a lot and that hug was to express my gratitude to them. I wonder what would have happened if I had decided to kiss them both on the cheek before we left. I'm happy I didn't kiss them on the cheek because even if they both are giving signals that they are gay I cannot officially determine if they are. If I had kissed them on the cheeks, and they are not gay, they may have felt disgusted and then realize that they don't want to hang around a gay person. It would completely crush me. However, if they are gay and they liked the kiss then what would have happened? Would they have kissed me and say that all three of us could be together, or would they both make me chose. I absolutely would hate to chose between the two of them. Even though they both looked alike, they both have totally different personalities that make you feel like if you have one then you must have the other.

I didn't realize that Riley was carrying on his back until I hear Aaron go, "Why in the world is my little Ashy on your back!!! Get him off of you!!!" Aaron started to swat Riley with his wooden spoon as I started to giggle because Aaron was acting like a weirdo and Riley was giving Blake the look that people gave each other when they thought someone is crazy and they need help. Aaron finally stopped and Riley let me down.

The minute my feet hit the ground Aaron tackled me, while shouting, "MY BABY! TELL ME THEY DIDN'T"T HURT YOU! I KNOW THAT THEY ARE BIG SCARY PEOPLE!! DON'T WORRY MAMA AARON WILL PROTECT YOU!"

"I'm fine Aaron, stop freaking out," I tried to say but I was laughing too hard. In school Aaron may seem like a serious person but in reality this guy was the most playful person in town. He has even won an award for being the silliest person in his old school. However, people in this school are pricks and they told him if he does not act like a person that people can respect then he is fired. That's okay to live with but the thing that pissed him off the most was that he was the only teacher that got this warning because he was gay and not straight. But he needs his job so he has to act differently otherwise Aaron is a really fun person.

"Why are there motorcycles parked in front of my house? Don't tell me you guys made Asher ride on those motorcycles with you?" Aaron accused them both while pointing his wooden spoon at them. Right now Aaron looked like he was an overprotective mom. Or would it be dad? Whatever, let's say he looked like an overprotective parent and leave at that.

"No sir?" Riley answered. I sighed and started to shake my head. They both are already in a horrible position with Aaron and they decide to lie to him. I think if I had brought Mr. Door with me things would have been better because Mr. Door can't lie. Well, Mr. Door can't talk either but that's not the point.

"Are you lying to me? If you are you better fess up now otherwise I won't be able to control this spoon." Aaron glared at them and started to move the spoon so that he was in position to whack Blake and Riley on the head if they lied again. Is it wrong for me to find this whole thing amusing?

"Ignore my idiot brother, Aaron," Blake glared at Riley with the look saying shut up or I'll kill you. "We did take Asher on the motorcycles but it was only because my father was out and took our car. I'm sorry if offended you and trust me, we would never want to hurt Asher. If we did I allow whatever punishment you deem necessary."

The response Blake gave made Aaron look at him differently. I think he looked at Blake with respect. Wait... why did Blake say that they would accept any punishment Aaron would give them. It is not like they like me or anything. Right? Ugh this is so confusing. I don't feel like dealing with my parents today, it hurts knowing that because of me being gay and not straight, my parents can't even say that they have a son. However they didn't seem to sad at the fact that they don't have to acknowledge me and act like good parents. I think I'll stay over at Aaron's today he won't mind and I always do this. That's why there is a room here with my name on it and a bunch of Aaron's old clothes there.

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