5 | The Night of the Snowball

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"I look around but it's you I can't replace. I feel so cold and I long for your embrace."

[ chapter five ] → the night of the snowball

Mike Wheeler was sitting down at a table in the back corner of the room absentmindedly picking at a loose thread on the table cover when he heard the chair next to him screech back and Lucas whisper,

"Holy shit, Max?"

Mike's head shot up and his breath caught in his throat, Maxine Mayfield had just walked through the double doors of the gym, and even though Mike hated to admit it, he knew she looked gorgeous. Her ocean blue eyes twinkled, her face, that before had been red and blotchy, had now faded so that only a rosy pink hue covered her cheeks, she was glowing. Mike felt a wave of pride hit him as he saw her standing there, chin up, shoulders squared, radiating confidence, that was the Max he knew. The one that never let anything or anyone bring her down, the one that pushed through every treacherous rainstorm to find the vibrant rainbow at the end of the downpour.

He couldn't help but pull his lips into a small half smile as he saw her standing there, it only lasted for a mere second, before he felt someone gazing at him. He dropped his smile instantly and pretended not to notice her come over to their table.

It was only when she left with Lucas to got get a drink did he look back up. His eyes met Will's and he couldn't help but squirm uncomfortably. Will was looking at him, his gaze intense looking conflicted. Finally, Mike couldn't take the silence anymore, he tore his eyes from Will's,


The younger boy jumped back at Mike's words, startled. The intensity of his gaze decreased and his eyes that where once glazed over returned to normal. Almost like he had snapped out of a trance.

Mike placed a comforting hand on Will's shoulder, "Are you okay. Did you have another vision?"

Will shook his head, "No, no I'm fine, I just thought for a sec- never mind."

Mike looked at the brunette haired boy for a few seconds, before deciding that Will was just probably lost in thought and deciding to let it go. He returned to his seat, his eyes trailing over unintentionally to the snack table, where Max was standing, one hand holding a plastic cup filled with red colored punch, and the other flying around the air around her as she spoke to Lucas.

He hadn't even noticed anyone else walk into the dance until he felt someone put a hand on his arm. He turned to look at Will and saw him staring at something on the other side of the room, following his gaze, Mike almost choked on air in surprise when he saw her. His mouth dropped open slightly and he abruptly stood up from his seat, hands dropped limply at his sides. Her eyes landed on him and she smiled widely, before starting to walk towards him. Mike came out of his initial shock and discreetly fleeted his eyes to Max to see her standing with the rest of the school, silently watching. He turned his attention back to Eleven and took a few tentative steps toward her, pulling her into his arms for a hug.

Max felt her stomach lurch slightly as she saw Mike and Eleven wrapped up in each other's arms. She had no idea why but she felt a strange feeling starting to swirl in her stomach. She did know, however, that she did not like the feeling. So she peeled her eyes from the happy couple and instead dragged Lucas out onto the dance floor.

Mike pulled back from El's embrace, looking down at her a small smile playing at his lips, he waited for his heart to flutter, or his hands to get clammy, but he felt nothing but a mere swirl in his stomach.

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