Chapter 1

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    Don't you hate it when people say they're fine but you know they're really not? If you do, you'll probably hate me. I'm that one girl everyone hates for no reason. "Hey" I turned around to see my best friend Evan smiling at me. "Wanna go to the yogurt bar after school?" he continued. I shrugged. "Don't really feel like it today, maybe another time?" Without hesitation, I walk off. As usual, everyone looked at me, snickering, whispering. I don't know why they look at me like i'm the top new gossip, it's just a thing I guess. Today, though something was different.

Oh. My. God.

Evan and the stupid populars we're laughing at me too. Now, the populars i'm fine with but why Evan? Being my nosy self, I go over and try to make out what they were saying.

Here's what I heard:




My anxiety rised higher and higher by the seconds. I ran to the restroom and then..

I couldn't see.

I passed out.

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