Chapter 4

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"Well," I thought "it's the weekend." Time to sit back and relax.


     Too much to do, too much to do. First thing first, I need to decide what I should tell Principal Davis. I was brain washed? Probably not the best excuse. Blackmailed? Well, he's going to try to find out who it was. Tell the truth? Pfft, please. He doesn't need to be in this drama. I guess i'll decide when I get there. What next? Oh yeah, the freshman dance. Pfft, like I care though. The freshman dance is something that's new at my school. It's a dance for everyone to know each other better. I haven't thought about it because it's just not my cup of tea. Most teenage girls love dances and are super excited for things like homecoming or prom, but I honestly just don't care. Plus, I have better things to worry about. Like how to figure out about what's going on with Evan. I really do believe he isn't another fake friend, but you have to expect the unexpected in this world. I learned that the hard way. Now I wait for Monday. Great

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