Before the Retreat

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The bellas were climbing on the bus to head to the retreat center. They had decided to leave from the Bella house @6am sharp, once they all got on and settled, they were off. Since they had left so early most of them were asleep except for two girls, Ashley was driving the bus and Jessica who was keeping her company.

"Okay..okay..ummm...what is your most embarrassing memory?" Jessica asked Ashley.

"Ummm...well there was this one time in high school where I wanted to ask a girl to prom and...." Ashley started before Jessica interrupted.

"Wait...your gay?! " Jessica asked her

"yeah...I...I thought you knew that." Ashley responded

Ashley continued her story and they continued talking the rest of the way. When they arrived it was almost 11:30 and everyone had been awake and were making their way out of the bus. Before Ashley got up Jessica stopped her and was taking in deep breathes.

"What's up Jess?" Ashley asked her

"Ummmm...just that when we get back from the retreat...would like to go on a date..with..umm... me? Jessica asked stuttering a couple times.

Ashley looked at her for a long while before she started to lean in and kiss Jessica. At first she didn't know what was happening for a second til she kissed her back. When they broke the kiss Ashley looked at Jessica and said "yes..I would love to go out with you."

They both smiled and made their way off the bus and to the group. Jessica stopped for a second and thought how she could wait for the retreat to be over.

JESSLEY♥️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora