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Ever since we were kids Jessica and I have been inseparable. In middle school I realized I had feelings for her but i never said anything, I loved her too much to destroy our friendship.

High school came around and it was a whole different scenery then we were used too. Half way through my freshman year i came out to my friends and family and they were all very supportive, Jessica was the most supportive, of course never told her of my feelings for her.

Through our High school years we drifted apart because we were so different, I partied and played softball (cliche I know) and Jessica studied and focused on her grades. By senior year we no longer were speaking to each other but I never stopped loving her.

Once i ran into Jessica at a party and i've never been more uncomfortable in my life.

"Ashley?!!" I heard someone shout

I looked up from my phone and saw her.

"Jessica?...oh my gosh, what are you doing here?" I asked

"I decided why not come out once...ya know" Jessica said

"yeah...that's cool" I said

Nothing was said after that and we both awkwardly stood there looking everywhere but at each other.

"Hey Ashley...come play this round of cup pong?" some random girl shouted.

"I should go....it was nice to see you jess" I said and walked away

"you too ash" I heard Jessica say and I walked away.

I looked back at Jessica and saw she was leaving. I turned back and focused on the game.

Another time I ran into her was a couple months later during our last week of high school at a gas station around 2am.

"Ashley!?!!" I heard

I turned around and saw Jessica looking at me.

"Hey Jessica...what are you doing here around at this time??" I asked

"I was up and I got a little hungry" Jessica said

"Same here" I said

"So how you been" Jessica asked me

"I'm good...how about you?" I asked her back

"good too...actually I just got accepted into my #1 school...so that was exciting" Jessica explained.

"That's great Jessica..I'm happy for you" I said

"yeah" she smiled

She smiled at me, I missed her smiles from when we were younger. She so beautiful...I always forget how beautiful she is. I see her mouth moving and realized i dazed off looking at her.

"Ashley...you okay...kinda zoned out for a second" Jessica asked me.

"I'm sorry i guess i did" i said

"you know...I've always known you had a crush on me" Jessica said

"What?" I basically screamed.

"How about we go outside and talk" Jessica said laughing a little bit.

"okay" i said laughing too

I was walking out when Jessica stopped me.

"Aren't you gonna pay for that?" Jessica asked

"No...it's totally fine i work here" i said

"what's up Bryan" i said toward the guy behind the counter.

"sup ash" he said with a wink

"come on let's go" I said to Jessica.

We walked to my car and sat.

"so how'd you know i have a crush on you" I asked Jessica.

"well i don't know if you still had a crush on my now by I guess you just answered my question....but I knew back then because you always stared at me when ever I talked and i talked a lot" Jessica said.

"I was that obvious huh?" I said

"yeah you were" Jessica said

"so how come you never said anything?" I asked her

"I thought it was cute at first but over time...i started...to develop...feelings too." Jessica said.

"ohhh" i said

Jessica was leaning in towards me "holy crap" I thought she wants to kiss me, so I leaned it too and right before our lips touched

"wait...we shouldn't" Jessica said

JESSLEY♥️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang