the Gift

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A/N- Hey! So I read a story that had a similar idea, only it was unplanned. I am going for more of a dream world situation. This will be a reveal, and there will be emotional whump, and probably physical later. I hope you like this. Let you know what you think in comments, and votes :) xoxo.

            The day started like any other, the only few differences for Arthur being that Merlin had goen for a week to visit his mother, so he had to put up with George and his brass jokes, wich were more anoying then everything annoying about Merlin put together in one person. But he got past it, and we suffering through counsel meetings and then suffereing through the petitions. It's not that he didn't want to hear them, he just knew he always made better decisiions when he coud gage Merlin's reations to the request, but the idiot had to leave and now he didn't know what to do. Gwen was a good help in these though and usually ended up taking over. It was twards the end of the boons that something unexpected happned. A man was escorded in, not by force, but by show, a knobel by the looks of him, and he was holding a box. 

"Your Heighness, it is an honor to meet you. My name is Lord Hilf, and I come to plege my feialty to the crown, as a gift I bring this stone." He held up the box. " I think you'll find it has a very...particular quality to it." At this Arthur opened the box and saw what he meant. The stone was lain in a broach, for a cape, but the stone it's self, it glowed. It glowed with such light, it was a pale swirling blue, but it was laced with gold, and both colours were ever moving. But it was a stone, and Arthur decided that his eyes were playing trix on him. 

"Thank you Lord Hilf, I shall not foreget this, please say we will have a feast."

"No Sire, my only request is that you keep it close, you may need it. If you need me, whisper your plea in the waking time." And with those very criptic words, he was off. Although Arthur knew somehow there was magic in the situation he had just been a part of, he was to facinated with the gift to pay much heed. It was mezmerizing. He had kept it the rest of the day, and later that night in his chambers he inspected it once again. He wasn't wrong, the colors did move. It took it out and held it, and it felt....familiare, like a long lost friend come home. It was strange, but he was sure that if he lost this stone, it would be like losing a brother. Arthur placed the broach back in it's box, headed to bed, and fell asleep, and thats when things got.... interesting.

A/n- I know it's really short but stay with me this is the prologue. 

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