The Dream

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Unlike most people Arthur alwasy knew when he was dreaming, it was something he never really thought about though.

   In this dream he woke up in Camelot, but it we deserted. There was nothing, no people, no sound, even the birds had gone silent, But he didn't feel alone. He had had dreams like this before, but they always worried him, unsellted him, but this time was different, he felt, safe. he started wanding around the caslte interested to see it's beuty with nothing abstructing it. he found it just looked empty and sad. He didn't know why but after a while he found imself headed for the dungeans. That was odd, even in real life, they were depressing, but head to them he did. It was that feeling again, that if he went there he would knew why he didn't feel scared or alone.... so he did.

   He entered the dungeans and found a torch. The halways were damp, and the light grey. He walked down, untill he had come within sight of the last cell. and the sight before him, made his blood turn cold. He would never admit this to anyone, especially Merlin, but Merlin was the closest  thing to a brother, Arthur had ever had, so when he was met with the sight of Merlin sitting in the middle of that cell, each arm outstreched and chained to the walls on ether side of him, he wanted to throught punch whoever did it. But this was a dream, he knew it was a dream, so why did it feel so real. Why could he smell the blood comeing from the cut on Merlin's face, and wrists? Why could he feel his pain emminating from him like a wave? Why did Merlin look so....defeated? Merlin never looked defeated, that man had faced a dragon with him with nothing but his witts and a sword, that he couldnt use, not once had he looked like he had given up, so why did he now? Arthur walked forward, unsure if dream Merlin would react. He did.

   Merlin flinched at the light from the torch, and flinched at the sound of the cell door opening. And then he looked up. Arthur wasn't sure how to react to this. if this was really a dream, why the bloody hell would he dream this? Why would he dream that when his eyes meet his brother's they would be gold? It didn't make sence, why dream of Merlin with magic, chained to the walls, bleeding?

   " Oh good, it got worse. What is this some kinde of way to break me further? trapping me in here wasn't enough, you had to rub it in? I get it!" The last part he shouted to the ceiling, " I failed him, I'm a failiure, just get on with it and KILL ME ALREADY!" When nothing happened his head fell then, with a great sigh of sorrow. Arthur didn't know what to say. Dream Merlin must not think he's real, ok so what if.... what if this was real.... no this was a dream. But even in a dream he couldnt leave Merlin like this.

"Merlin...." He said, testing the waters a bit. Merlin's responce was a subtle flinch. As if that was the first time he had heard a voice other than his own in a while. "Merlin, it's ok.... I'm here.... now... tell me how to get those chains off so we can get out of here." And then Merlin's head shot up and his golden eyes met Arthur filled with so much terror that he started to shake.

"....Arthur?" His voice broke. "Oh gods no... what did they do to you, how are you here? no.. no no no no no!" he was yellling it now, barley breathing.

"Merlin! It's ok, I'm fine, this is a dream anyway, you know how dreams are sometimes, you just have to do something and you wake up, so help me get these chains off." Arthur said, fiddling with the chains ignoring the blood on his friend's wrists.

"A dream....Arthur..."

"Merlin come on, the chains how do i get them off?" Merlin only staired at him, his golden eyes sending shivers down Arthur's spine. It would be fine, they would wake up and he would forget that he ever dreaed they were that color.

" can't." And then Merlin's face hardened to stone, and he fixed his gaze forward avoiding Arthur.

A/N- Dun dun duhhhh! lol again short I know, just setting it all up. Let me know what you think! xo

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