The end

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In the end it was damp and silent. The knights stood in an arch around the body of their brother praying to the gods that this small act would work. The dragon had done as he promised, and now it was up to a name and a promise...Freya. Arthur didn't even know if she was real or not, as he lay his friend's body in the cold biting shallows of the lake. His only real hope was the small knowing smile Merlin made at the mention of her. He still held the stone in his hand with white knuckles. feeling as though if he were to let it go you would lose Merlin forever. What if this didn't work? What if Merlin's soul was the only thing he could save and if he let go now, there would not even be a piece of Merlin left in the world? That was something he could not bear, almost as if he would lose part of himself, should Merlin be taken from the world. It was a sting that he knew the other had felt since he had told them what had happened, but with his dreams, he had not. He got to see Merlin every night, he knew he was there, warm to the touch and alive. but this this was to much like laying him to rest in an cold shallow grave to be anything close to the hope that was promised of it. So he held on to the stone with white knuckles. 

Lost in thought Arthur did not see the surface of the lake turn a pail unearthly blue. Nor did he see the spirit of a young woman rise from it. Her voice caused him to jump and clutch the stone more fervently than before. She was small, thin, and wore a tattered dress, but her hair and face we clean, and her eyes glowed with a warmth and worry that took Arthur by surprise. He was speechless, He stood before a spirit and he had no words for her, nor she for him. She simply turned her eyes toward Merlin's, still, ghostly body and Arthur watched as a tear left her eye. She took just a moment as if to compose herself, and turned back to him.

"I can cure him, but only if you give me all of him to cure." Her eyes were on the stone hiding behind Arthur's now almost blue fingers. His hands were cold from the lake, and almost numb from holding on to the stone to tightly, but the stone it's self was warm and reassuring in his hand. Handing the spirit that small stone was the hardest thing Arthur had ever done. He did not trust easily, and when he did a there was always that constant voice telling him it was all a trick. That voice was screaming at him now, but then he remembered how sure Merlin was that this would work, that if she could, she would help. So he uncurled his shaking blue fingers from the glowing stone that held his brother. When she took it it was as if she were taking a wounded bird, her hands gentle and sure. She placed the stone on Merlin's chest and and proceeded to kneel next to him in the water. Her hand brushed his cheek, and then found it's place with the other above the stone.

Her words were sure, and full with power. Thought no one save her knew what they meant. The spell was a long one, and look a great deal of power. The small band watched and the lady and Merlin were engulfed in a moving golden light, which seemed to thrum to a beat only it knew. They watched as the stone lit up the night sky and just as quickly lost all of it's light and sat dark and lifeless on Merlin's chest. In that second, Arthur couldn't breath. That stone was all he had of Merlin and it was clear to him in that moment that any trace that it once held of his brother was gone. It was simply a stone. stubborn in it's lifelessness. He wanted to scream, to burn the world, to march to the gates of the land of the dead and drag Merlin back by his ridiculously big ear. It was a second just one second of pure agony for all who watched it. For they all knew what that cold stone meant; however, before even Gwen's sobs, or Gwain's swears could be formed, Merlin screamed.

It was the kind of scream one would expect to hear in the deepest pits of the land of the dead, the pits where the wicked are held. It was the kind that left nothing but sorrow and heart ache in it's wake. And that it did, for it was that scream that every person standing by that lake that night knew would echo in their hearts and minds as long as they drew breath. It did not let got, Merlin's scream continued, until it was clear his throat was sore, until his eyes burst open, bright gold and filled with pain. And then almost as if the breeze were a calming mother, he stilled, laying back down in the depthless water, breathing heavily, yet clearly unconscious. As if they were actors waiting for a que, the very moment Freya looked at them, all rushed to Merlin's side, ready to get him out, to see if it worked. Gwain was the first to him, lifting him out of the lake, and bringing him to dry land. Percival had already started on making a fire, and Gwen was taking hims boots off. Arthur had yet to move, his hope and worry fighting a fierce war in his heart with neither gaining any kind of lead, or letting even the slightest trace of relief shine through on the battle field. It was almost to easy, that couldn't be all, she must want something for this. What if it was all a trick of the light, what if when..if, Merlin awoke he was not truly there, or worse, he was no longer Merlin. The possibilities were never-ceasing in his mind, and he balled his fists as if to hold the stone that now lay cold in the lake of the dead. 

Freya had been watching, making sure Merlin was well cared for before turning her eyes once more to Arthur. She could see how he had been holding on to Merlin's stone, and how he was trying to now. She bent down and picked it up, it was heavy and cold in her hands, as she came closer to Arthur, grabbed his hand and placed the stone in it. He looked up started, fear shining in his eyes.

"I have done all I can for him." She said in a comforting voice. "It is up to him now... It no longer holds a piece of him, but it seemed like it still held a piece of you." She nodded to the stone she had given him and smiled. "Take care of him Arthur, you are two sides of the same coin." She turned to go but stopped and stood, as if asked to stay, she turned, tears lining her eyes. "Tell him I love him." Her smile at this was one of remorseful joy, much like when you see one you once loved happy, only it is not with you. She then turned and melted back into the dark ripples of the lake, leaving no evidence she had ever even broken the surface.

Looking back Arthur realized Freya had been right, that stone did still hold a part of him. It was the part of him that had come to realize how much Merlin meant to him, the part of him that had only started coming to light after he had gotten to know those he now loved: Merlin, Gwen, the knights. It was the part of him that understood that you face it, whether it be hell or high water, you face it for the family you have, to protect those you love. He could not get rid of that stone. It made Merlin immensely uncomfortable to be around, but Arthur always got a fiercely fond look in his eye whenever he beheld it. 

They had brought Merlin home. Gaius tended to him, and then they all began to heal. It was a long and arduous process, full of stories, apologies, and just a bit of yelling. The knights had come to be just a bit more protective of Merlin through it, thought Leon refused to speak with any of them in anything less than a formality for a year after their return, Merlin found him, and in an understanding only Merlin is capable, that to began to mend. Gwen and Arthur had even become closer through it all, as the process of healing often brings to light unspoken feelings that demand voice.

In some ways, to the untrained eye, it was only Arthur and Merlin who seemed unaffected by the great ordeal. Merlin's first waking word, after coming to was "Prat," after all. But it they were to be truly examined one could see the relief that flooded Arthur's very being every time Merlin entered a room, or the way Merlin's posture no longer seemed guarded when he and Arthur were speaking. It was a freedom that they both cherished, for it was long fought for and won. It was as if they had not changed at all and yet every fiber of their beings was new.

The day Magic was legalized in Camelot, they stood on the battlements together in silence looking over the city. Neither said a word, yet the light in their eyes reflected the same sentiment. The hope of a new day, the beginning of a new story, and the promise of a brother...come what may.


Hey all! sorry it took so long to finish but here it is, the end. i struggled with how to end this story for a long time so please tell me what you think. I may edit here and there for phrasing as i wrote the last two chapters in a day. I debated for a long time if i wanted Merlin to survive this and have an idea how it would end if he didn't. Let me know if you want me to post that as well. Thank you all hope you enjoyed.


The soul in the stone ( A Merlin fanfiction )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora