The fear

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Arthur bolted awake, barly able to breath. he hadn't realized until that moment that he hasnt been afrade that whole dream until Merlin's face went stone cold. It haunted him. George had already brought breakfast, and put out his cloaths. And he continued in the day. he ad a knighting ceremony, he decided to wear the new stone to fascen his cape, and thats when he noticed something odd, well...odder, about it. It had changed clores. Before it was a light pale blue, almost like ice, now the gold was swirling with a grey blue, it reminded Arthur of a storm. That was strange, it was almost like it was reflecting how he was feeling today. He put it on and proceeded to the ceremony, which went as normal as they always do. the rest of the day infact was normal, except Arthur couldnt get Merlin's expretion out of his mind. He had never seen that look on Merlin's face, and it scared him.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, scared to close his eyes, Arthur took a sleeping draft he had asked for, he knew Merlin's haunting would make it hard for him to sleep that night, and when he cosed his eyes, he almost wished he hadn't. he was back in the deserted Camelot, and he knew the only place to go here was to he did. He made his way slowly though, scared of what he might see on Merlin's face, scared of what he might say, and still a little scared that his eyes would still be burning gold.

   His heart echoed in his chest as he aproached the man in the cell. His eyes were down cast, and his face was pale. He didn't look up. Not when he heard Arthur. He didn't look up when the door opened, and he didn't look up when Arthur sat infront of him.

"This is the second time Ive had this dream." He said, trying to make small talk with the mad who was chained to the wall. his eyes never left the floor.

"You talked last time though, you said you failed. i know you arn't great at much Merlin, but i'd hardly say you failed." He tired to make him smile, but he couldnt even get him to look at him. It was only by the gentle rise and fall of his chest that Arthur even knew his was alive.

"I don't understand."Merlin finaly said, it was a whisper.

"Well that's hardly a surprise." Arthur said, smiling. And then Merlin looked at him. His eyes goldeden, making Arthur a bit uncofortable, but then he saw the fear in them.

"It's really you isn't it..... your really here.... how are you here?" he looked so confused, and then he looked down and furrowed his brow as if he were trying to figure out what dreams were.

"Merlin I told you, this is a dream. It's ok, we'll wake up soon." He wasn't sure if he was trying to convince himself or Merlin. Merlin only shook his head.

"No I'm not dreaming....." And then his golden eys bore into Arthur in intense study, "....Are you?"

"Don't be an idiot, of course this is a dream, what other explanation would you have for being chained to a wall and having the eyes of a sorcerer?" "Besides I took one of Gaius's sleeping drafts, I am definitely dreaming." Merlin flinched at the word sorcerer, and looked down.

"Merlin...what makes you think this isn't a dream?" Arthur was worried now, why would Merlin think this was real? Merlin didn't respond. Arthur knelt down in front of him and tired to make him look at him, Merlin only closed his eyes.

"Dimmit Merlin, just talk to me! You can't even do what your told in a dream!" Merlin sighed and slumped down, the chains the only things keeping him upright.

"Just wake up and leave me alone Arthur." His eyes were still closed.

    And he did. Arthur bolted up right, nervous, and a bit angry. What the bloody hell was that!? He knew it was a dream... he was sure of it. But Merlin wasn't, he seemed so positive that it was real. This out of his realm, this was something he needed to ask Gaius about.

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