Chapter 02 / Minshik

125 7 0

August 2016

I followed after Wonjae as we walked into his home. "Wuah, it's been so long since I've been here," I took off my shoes to put on a pair of guest slippers that Wonjae had pulled out for me.

"I know! It's been so long!" Wonjae felt excited. We were reminiscing about the times we walked home together from school back then. I was always spending time at Wonjae's family farm. All those times were what made our friendship ours.

Wonjae opened the sliding door and called out to his mother, saying that he was home and that he had brought home an old friend.

"An old friend, you say?" Minha responded from the kitchen. "It better not be someone naughty!" I hear aunty joke.

"Ah, c'mon mom! I'm a good kid!" Wonjae called out. We heard aunty laugh from the kitchen. Wonjae looked over to me. "Just make yourself home, like you always have." I smiled and nodded in agreement.

(a/n: choi wonjae is the person that minshik was texting at the beginning of the movie. & minha is wonjae's mom.)

Being with Wonjae always felt like home. With Wonjae, I always felt safe. He was there when I needed him. Growing up, I'd always struggled with trying to fit in. Being a pastor's kid, I always felt like I had to be a certain way—to be that perfect child that my parents had always hoped for... or... at least for my dad. But I was always that awkward kid.

I often felt like an outcast, even though I was seen to be adored because I was the "pastor's son." I think because of that label, others saw me as someone you don't associate yourself with because they were considered too "prestigious" to be engaged with. In my case, I would be considered a liability for being a pastor's kid if my parents knew what I was doing with other kids. I was always excluded when it came to hang outs and birthday parties.

Whether it was inside or outside church walls, I was never invited to anything... not even to just kick a soccer ball around. But then, one day... things changed.

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was after school. Wonjae walked beside me as I was making my way home from school. He stuck his hand out, introducing himself. At first I was taken aback, and questioned his motives. At school, it seemed as though everyone was friends with him. Not to mention, he was one of our top soccer athletes.

Why would the most popular guy at school befriend someone like me? I was an outcast. Nobody hung out with me. But Wonjae... Wonjae thought otherwise. Turns out he was attending a sister church of the church my parents were a part of.

(a/n: a sister church is a term used for a smaller branch from a mother church)

Wonjae wasn't a pastor's kid, but... he understood me. His dad was actually a pastor's kid. I think through his dad, he sympathized with me. He didn't treat anyone any more or any less. He took time to know people as individuals, regardless of their status. I think that's what made Wonjae so cool. It was probably why everyone was friends with him.

Wonjae made me feel like I could belong. He started including me in groups, inviting me out to things and I even joined the school soccer team... although, I wasn't as good as Wonjae, but... it felt nice to be a part of something. It wasn't easy for me to join things at first, but Wonjae always told me that I didn't need to worry about what others thought of me, and instead to just be myself. I was never really sure of what being myself even looked like... all I know was that when I was with him, I felt free.

(a/n: soccer has a partial play in the story of minshik & wonjae's friendship. in the movie of nunbal, there was a scene where minshik kicked a soccer ball around with a group of classmates.)

I sat down on the couch and made myself at home.

"I'll be right back," Wonjae said. "I'm gonna go get my cousin."

"Ah, okay," I responded. Wonnjae went up the stairs, and aunty came from the kitchen with a bowl of cut up fruit in her hands.

"Oh! Minshik-ah!" she exclaimed. "You're the old friend that Wonjae was talking about?!" she laughed as she set down the bowl of fruit on the table. "Stand up so I can hug you!"

"Ah, yes," I laughed and stood up as she hugged me. "How are you aunty?"

"Wonjae told me you were moving back to Suwon for school! I didn't know it was so soon!" she took a seat on the couch. "Sit, sit!" she motioned her hands for me to sit.

I seat myself beside her and she rubbed circles on my back. She was always treating me as if I was like her son. "Ah, yeah. I arrived just last night," I told her.

"Ah! Wonjae! He doesn't know when to quit, does he? Already dragging his best friend to his house when he hasn't even rested from moving all the way here! I'm gonna give him a scolding later!" Aunty's expression turned into a frustrated one and apologized to me.

I laughed. "It's okay aunty. I settled down well last night, so you don't need to worry about me. Wonjae was just excited, and I really wanted to pay you a visit too." I smiled to reassure her.

"Ah! That's so sweet of you!" Wonjae's mother laughed. "Oh! How rude of me! Here, have some fruit!" She handed me a small plate and fork.

The kitchen timer went off in the kitchen. "Ah, that's the banana bread! I'll be right back." I smiled and nodded in response as aunty left my side, quickly scurrying to the kitchen.

Just then, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It must be Wonjae and his cousin. I set my plate and fork down, then stood up and bowed to greet Wonjae and his cousin. I stood up straight to look his cousin in the eye and held out my hand to greet them.

"Hello, I'm—" I stopped in my tracks. All of a sudden, a swarm of nervousness overcame me. I felt my face flush with warmth.

It can't be...

Standing before me was...

Yang Yejoo.

... with child. (a/n: in other words, pregnant)

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