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By: Ameenah Lukman Abdulazeez.


#After some min of silence we went back to our room. We both sat in silence thinking....
I couldn't think of anything rather than how we met and came to DC for our education,even though we didn't come here together and also my family at home .......

Fateemah was on chair at a traveling agency office when i came in,I sat close to her because I don't know anything about paying visa and so on,actually it was my first time traveling to a British country,and my dad said it would be better if i go on my own to pay for my visa,so I was a little bit nervous,after much silent i asked her some questions i need to know but she told me that she don't know anything about it,and that she was here with her brother,but she advised me to go to the customer service centre.
"Let me accompany you there if you don't mind".she said with a smile.
"Ok,thanks".I said
"You're welcome ,but if you don't mind,let me call on my brother's attention please".she said.
"Ok,no problem".I said and she walked straight to her brother(which after some time I figured out that he was not her brother but her boyfriend).she came back smiling at me.
"Ok lets go".We went to the customer service centre and asked on what we should do.
"Are you going for an educational purpose or for an vacation?". The woman asked politely.
"I am going for an educational purpose".I answered
"Ok,sit over there,lemme help you arrange everything,it seems like you're a first timer,right?"she asked with a smile
"Yeah it's my first time actually". I answered. When the lady was back,she gave me some papers to guide me through how I will pay for my tuitions and accommodation fees.
"Ok,you are going to need a passport,get it ready by next week I guess".she said
"Ok,thank you so much,bye".I said
"Bye,have a nice day"she said with a smile that shows her white teeths.After we've left the centre I bid fateemah a farewell and we exchanged numbers when we finally learned that we are going to attend the same University.After two weeks everything of mine was already intacted.My dad and i went to the *BRITISH HIGH COMMISSION* to arrange my *visa*.After a long seating we finally made it to the HIGH COMMISSION official office for the necessary interviews.My dad was a regular visitor to the high commission,he was a well recognized business man with British connections,Immediately we entered the room,he was recognized by the official,they greeted each other and i did the same ,afterwards i forward my documents to him,I watched he flip through the documents and my passport.
"It's a great university."he remarked as he read my informations,then turned to
"Ameenah right". He asked,what a stupid question,if you know my name then why asking if you are correct,I said to myself.
"Yeah."I replied
"Ok,that's good,but I want you to promise me that you will be a good ambassador of your family and your country,read your books don't follow friends,friends are influencive they can lead you to many hazardous things,ok?"He advised me
"Ok,thanks,and i promise not to let you down *Insha Allah*"I said.
"Hmm..ok,I believe you can cope with students down there,you have a great ascent,your English is quite okay,from which school are you?".He asked looking at me as if the answer will pop out of my face.
*"A.B REWARD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL"*I replied.But he looked puzzled.,I knew he won't know the school.
"Where is it located?,it most be a great school right?".he asked looking at my dad who had been looking the both of us for a long time without interfering.
"Yes it is;it's located at Hotoro".I replied.
"Ok,that's good".the officer remarked smiling.He completed the necessary formality and returned the passport to me,with a final statement.
"Have a nice stay @ England"
"Thank you"I said said.and my dad also thanked him and left the room.
On returing home my dad called on my mom's attention.
"Yes honey"she answered as she hurried to where he was seated her appearance shows that she was from the kitchen.
"Good afternoon ma".I greeted.
"Ah,welcome my dear"she replied.
"Thank you ma".I said
"You should congratulate you daughter, bcoz she is finally be on plane by the next two weeks *Insha Allah*".he said smiling at my mom
"Oh, *MASHA Allah* Allah mun gode maka *(ALHAMDULILLAH)*.She said hugging me with joy.I was going to cry any moment from now.I never thought I will leave my parents house to somewger else for my education. I prefer being with my parents.
" *ALHAMDULILLAH*,ehen please call your brother at London,he should be the one to pick Ameenah up when she land there because it will be like 3-4day's before the school will be reopened for new students then".he said to her.
"Ok,I will call him later"she replied
"Alright then,uhmm,I guess its time for you to do some shopping before going right?"he asked me giving me a bundle of money.
"Yeah,mom will help me".I said to him,I have the money to my mom and thanked my dad.
I am the only daughter of my family with three elder brothers,FAREED,FARHAN& FAISAL, who are now married and blessed withkids,i was tge youngesr of them.After my immediate brother got married and the house became empty my dad tried all he could to see that i remained happy,I have many irritating cousins but don't get along with them because i don't like talking too much and i hate noise.I prefer being with my parents @ home,my dad saw that my loneliness is getting too much so he decided to take me to London after my secondary scull to continue my education there @OXFORD,I wasn't happy with the news though.
....We went out for shopping with my mom.After a lot of shopping which lasted for 3days,everything i needed was packed appropriately.My elder brother called my mom and told her that i should come to Lagos,from there i should get going,my mom told me about the news,well....I was happy about the news,because I haven't seen them for like a year now.
I packed all my necessary items and my credentials and bid my parents goodbye with tears,my dad advised me and so did my mom,we both cried and embraced each other as if we don't want to let go,after some moments I went into the car and my driver drove he to wasn't really a good trip because I had to tak pain killers before going to bed on the day.After staying with them for a week they accompanied me to the airport.
The flight was a night flight and i was not pleased as I had always have an afternoon flights,I bid my final goodbye to my brother's and left for the airplane,it was dark that i couldn't look down through the window,the flight was at least six-hours flight to London.
The flight was so boring that i quickly fell asleep,in my half-sleep,half-awake state,I heard the pilot announce that the plane was now flying over the *MAJORCA ISLAND IN MEDITERRANEAN SEA*.I peeped out to see if i could see the sea,but it was dark and i couldn't see it.
Some moment later the *FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT* *&* *NO SMOKING* light showed in the cabin.Some ladies in white shirt and blue skirt went through the aisles,asking those whose seat were still reclined for sleeping position to adjust it to be straight for smooth landing.At that time the plane was descending into the clouds,The sky was getting very clear.Each hostess took positions at diff emergency exits in the plane.And I lowered my head and started prying as i usually do,as the plane was landing on the tarmac I heard a screech.Then it taxied for about 3minutes to the airport buildings. *ALHAMDULILLAH I HAD FINALLY ARRIVED AT ENGLAND!!.*
I am really tired!!...whoooo...this marks the end of chapter two'& I hope you've enjoyed now it's time for me to rest and read my note because am having an OPTICS & WAVE exams on Monday(pray for me😉😛😏)....PLEASE AND PLEASE ignore any mistakes because I cannot re-read this chapter it is too long😟.....And uhmmm....this chapter is dedicated to:EMYS!!...yeah you alone😉 special thanks today ooo😛...bye guyx...




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