Fateemah is with me

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Previously on JFF..
.....It was an unknown number so i picked it up hoping it will be Fateemah.
"Ameenah?" An unknown female voice said from the other side. I hesitate before answering.
"Urm..yes..that's me..how can i help you?" I asked.
"Okay,good, I'm Agent Anna, I know this would sound weird but Fateemah is with me, she got....."
"Wait what?, what do you mean Fateemah is with you,what have you done to sister!!?" I said my voice shaking.
"Look, you have to calm down now and listen to me, I'll be at your school by 2:45 don't go far Ameenah, both you and Fateemah are in trouble,don't trust anybody and don't open your door to anybody,okay" she said
"Okay.but I. .."
"There's no but here Ameenah you life is a risk..."what does she mean my life is at risk
"What do you mean?" I said (isn't that Justin beibers song?😂😂)
"I will call you when am there" she said ignoring my question before i ask another question she hanged up. What the hell! !!!..who is she?..how did she find Fateemah I kept asking myself all these questions.

JUSTICE FOR FATEEMAH!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن