Better Than Yesterday

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  We're all hypocrites trying to be better than the person we were yesterday,
Imperfect people living in imperfect ways,
But the consequences of our actions catch up in this maze,
So think before you act because kindness saves.

We think we're invincible but we have a short-sighted visual on the first chapter,

 So convinced life hands you a happy ever after.

But with freedom, your choices will matter,
Like Eden, the moist fruit will make you sadder,
Because even the truest of souls can be corrupt by material matter.
"Through the eye of a needle", the riches will scatter,
So let honor guide you for what comes further up the ladder.

Because we're all hypocrites trying to be better than the person we were yesterday,
Imperfect people living in imperfect ways,
But the consequences of our actions catch up in this maze,
So think before you act because kindness saves.

Mistakes are traffic jams for your hope,
Setbacks shallow but meant to hide the right road.
It's never gonna be the easiest to follow, fighting life's rope,
A sinner wallowing in the hollow bin scared of the nights hold,
But you'll get better or get bitter in sorrow,
It's your life and your "One Hitter" And that's my kind of motto.

We're all hypocrites trying to be better than the person we were yesterday,
Imperfect people living in imperfect ways,
But the consequences of our actions catch up in this maze,
So think before you act, kindness saves.

I'm a hypocrite trying to be better than I was yesterday,
Gotta think before I act, because kindness saves.  

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