My Cup Runneth Over

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My love holds me and time leaves memories I cherish,

Above cold streams, I bloom to the dreams I can flourish,

Enough goals to seed, the womb is a step to nourish,

A path to my birth as a queen of my furnace,

I burn to my path, a phoenix beneath the surface...

My cup runneth over and I adore his


He is my rock, so I explore his


Give him wings so together we can


Happiness together when we lose ourselves in


My cup runneth over

Lyrics are my soul crying out to be heard,

No matter the judgment, the need will stir,

My hands lead the pen and my heart leads the words,

Songs of hope, I will sing like the birds,

Because I am a writer proud of the nerds,

My cup runneth over and they see 


But the beast lives inside waiting to fulfill it's


A monster awaits if you awake it with


Because I am strong... I am a


My cup runneth over, and I keep moving.

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