Telling the Others

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Bella POV

I hold tightly onto Carlisle's hand as he drives us to the Cullen house. It's been one week since Edward left, and I have already forget about him and I's relationship. Carlisle is my whole world. I love him more than I could ever love anyone. He protects me. He shows me love, instead of acting like I am so fragile that he can't touch me.  He came over every night since he admitted that we are mates. We laugh and cuddle, and then I eventually fall asleep on his chest. I can't fall asleep without him now. He is my everything. When I wake up, he's gone, but he always leaves a note for me. They are usually short and sweet, but this morning there wasn't one. Instead, he was downstairs making me breakfast since Charlie left early. 

Today is the day we tell Alice, Jasper, Rose, and Emmett. I bet Alice already knows, but the others don't. Unless she told them, which I hope she didn't. I am terrified about how Rose will react. She hasn't always liked me much. More of a hatred towards me. I have no clue about what I did to her, but she just doesn't like me. She probably hates me more after this whole Edward and Tanya thing, but honestly it wasn't my fault. It was Edward's for lying to me. 

As Carlisle pulls into the drive way, my nerves go nuts. My heart race elevates and my breathing gets shallow and fast. Anxiety attack. "Sweetheart, relax." He whispers, shaking his head laughing. He kisses my hand softly, which helps a bit. "I'll try." I say, letting go of his hand. I look towards the front door and see everyone is outside, confused looks on everyone's face, except for Alice. Alice is smiling at me, clearly excited for us to be able to show affection in public. Well, in their house. I am not sure how everyone else will react. Especially Charlie and Renee.  I get out slowly, my body numb. "Bella? Why are you here? Why did Carlisle bring you?" Emmett asks, walking down the stone steps. Emmett is very protective of me, especially since Edward left. 

"Well, I have some news." I say, looking at Carlisle. Carlisle smiles and snakes his arm around my waist. That's when everyone gets very confused. "What is going on?" Jasper asks, looking at Carlisle's arm wrapped around my waist. "I'll tell them. Bella and I are mates." He says, kissing my forehead. I blush softly and smile, wrapping my arms around Carlisle. Rose stays still for a second, then she smiles. "Finally." She says, chuckling. It's my turn to look confused. 

"Edward told me. He read Carlisle's mind and well, Alice, Edward, and I knew." She says, hugging me tightly. I hug back, still confused. "Then why did you act like you hated me?" I ask, letting go of the hug. Carlisle puts his arm around my waist again and whispers in my ear, "I smell an unknown vampire. We need to get inside." Of course the others heard, so I am rushed inside. Carlisle picks me up and rushes me up the stairs, into the living room. 

We hear a glass window break and loud foot steps. Heels, obviously, but the clink of the heel. Either a woman or a man in boots. I hope it's a man in boots or I will go nuts. "Carlisle?" A woman's voice says, which makes me very jealous. I try and keep calm, but on the inside, I am livid. Yes, I am jealous. Yes, I don't know who this is. But she is here for my Carlisle. Carlisle walks to the stairs to see who the woman is, but when he sees her, he growls. I have never seen Carlisle get this angry. He normally likes to do things calmly, but he looks more angry than I am. "Leave, Pearl." He snaps, walking back into the living room. "Oh Carlisle, you don't want me to leave." The voice says seductively, walking up the stairs. I get even more jealous, that evil bitch! No one but me talks seductively to Carlisle. He is mine.

I watch as a gorgeous woman enters the room, her skin glowing and her face perfect. She is even more beautiful than Rosalie, which I never thought could happen. "Carlisle, I didn't realize you kept snacks." She says, looking at me. She smiles and looks at my neck, licking her already blood red lips. "Carlisle, who the fuck is this?" I ask through my teeth, grabbing onto Carlisle's hand. She laughs and looks at Carlisle. "Well, to answer that question, I am his first wife." She says, putting a hand on her hip.

I look at Carlisle, my face bright red. He looks at me with a sorry look, but I can't forgive him.I let go of his hand and walk out of the room, not caring if she attacks me. I could care less. She could drain me and kill me. At least I wouldn't feel this betrayal anymore.  He hid the truth from me, just like Edward.

Just like Edward....

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