Just Like Him

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Bella POV

I walk into the hallway across from the living room, the anger rising, along with sadness. I haven't felt like this a while, and it hurts. You seem to forget how pain feels until you feel it again.He is just like Edward. He hides the truth from me, then I find out afterwards, which makes this whole thing worse. It's basically lying, without coming up with a lie. I walk in Carlisle and I's new room, which I helped decorate. Cream colored walls with a red accent. 

I plop onto the bed and sigh,tears falling from my eyes. I never thought he would ever do this to me. He hid something pretty big from me. Should I ever trust him again? I hear the door swing close, and I look up. There stands Rosalie, a bag in her hand. She gives me a sympathetic look. "Rose, he lied to me." I sob, the pain getting worse and worse. "I know honey, relax. Carlisle just torn Pearl into pieces." She laughs. "Did you like Pearl?" I ask, my voice cracking softly. "No. But, Carlisle will explain everything. It's not my place to." She says, closing the door behind her.

She walks up the bed and hands me the bag, a card on top, my name written in Carlisle's hand writing. . "Do what the card says." She says, walking back out. I open the card, and sigh, nervous. Do I even want to read it? Do I even forgive him? I open the bag and pull out a beautiful violet dress. "Wow." I hear Alice say, a pair of shoes in her hands. "Alice, do I forgive him?" I ask, my face completely tear stained. "I would. He doesn't love her anymore. He loves you more than I have ever seen him love anything. He knew that I knew, and before he would go to your house, he would tell me how excited he was to see you again and how perfect you are." She admits, placing the flats by the bed. The shoes are beautiful, and thankfully they are flats. I could not walk in heels to save my life. I am way too clumsy for that. 

I smile at the thought of Carlisle gushing over me. Alice skips out of the room, closing the door softly behind her. I sigh softly and read the card. It's handwritten, which makes it ten times more special to me. I love his beautiful hand writing. It's vintage and beautiful. 

"My Dear Isabella,

I love you more than my own life, and I am dearly sorry that I did not tell you about the monster known as Pearl. I would love it if you would join me for dinner tonight at Lake Crescent. I have a picnic prepared for us and it will be on a newly built dock. I love you. Please, think about it. If you aren't there by midnight, I will come home and leave you alone till you are ready to talk to me. Again, I am so so sorry. I love you more than my own life. Please, forgive me.  I will do anything for you.

                                                                  Doctor Carlisle Cullen"

I blush as I read the note. This note makes me fall more and more in love with this amazing man. I cannot believe I didn't just ask him. Of course I had to be a snob. I guess I was just jealous. I feel extremely bad now for acting so rude to him.  Carlisle deserves a better mate than me. I mess everything up. That's when my suicidal thoughts come back. After Edward left, I had them everyday. I guess they never really leave you. 

Maybe everything would be better if I wasn't here.... I look over into the bathroom and see the razors. The brand new razors. 

And that's how Isabella Swan died.



I'm not doing the little notes after every chapter but this one needs one. Please, stay safe. You are loved. You are beautiful. This is a story, but suicide and self harm is a serious matter. Call a suicide hotline or 911 (Or your local police) if you are feeling the need to harm yourself. You are loved by many. You are beautiful inside and out. I love you all. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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