Owen Holt for @_Roleplay_Mom_

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Name: Owen Holt
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Personality: He is a precious smol bean. He is also kindhearted and caring (unless someone offends Elliot) (I'll explain who Elliot is in a sec.) He also trusts people too easily. He tends to listen to Elliot, which can occasionally get him in trouble.
Appearance: Dirty blonde hair with green eyes. He's 4' 5" and 84 pounds.
Background: He was a completely normal child, except that he had an imaginary friend. No, not the type that toddlers would have for three months and then it just goes away. It was more like three years. This "friend's" name is Elliot.
Likes: Elliot, his family, candy (especially gummy bears), blankets, and hugs.
Dislikes: People saying that Elliot was just a figment of his imagination. He also doesn't vegetables except for carrots and occasionally broccoli.
Condition: Thinks that he has this friend but it doesn't exist.
Password: *slides into PMs*

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