Chapter Sixteen

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Liahs POV

Me and Chandler went to school. It was silent the whole ride there. He ruined the moment, all of it. How does he even know about Tyler. Tyler. I can't get him out of my head, and I'm not letting it escape from my mouth. Tyler is a secret. Well, not really.. but only people who have never known he existed. I miss him, and maybe he was apart of my depression, but he's not bringing me down today.

When we arrived, me and chandler went our separate ways. I stayed with Karol the whole time, making sure nothing happens to her. I consider her a sister. Chandler checked up on us every once and a while, and Karol let him. But he did it so secretively. Then I realized... nobody actually knows about us, me and Chandler. How he's been at my house lately, how he's making it up to me, how.. he's not bullying me. I was suddenly angry with him. This happens with a lot of people too. With Karol, I was angry with her cause she was to wimp to admit were friends, and now with chandler? he's to wimpy to admit to everyone that he's a changed guy? Bullshit. This kinda stuff makes me mad, it always has, and always will.

Today was different though, My head was pounding, and I kept drifting off in class.

Tyler. Tyler. Tyler. Repeated in my mind.

I told myself, my dad told me, my brother told me, my.. mom even told me to keep Tyler quiet. I love him.

I went home barely making eye contact with Chandler. I was just so mad! he's to wimp to tell the truth about us and for goodness sake he BROUGHT UP THE BOY I LOVED! DEDICATED MY LIFE TOO! I NEEDED HIM MORE THAN HE NEEDED ME BECAUSE WITHOUT HIM HERE NOW, MY LIFES A FREAKING MESS. I CANT GO ON.

He's my depression. All of it. He left me, he's gone. And I always felt that Tyler was giving me signs that he still knows me, where I live, my number everything. But, he's not. He's somewhere out in this world. with a new life, new friends, new... girlfriend. Everyone who ever had known him is history. It's over.

When I walked threw my door my dad was waiting.
"Hey honey!" he said pulling me into a hug. I squeezed tight. Whenever I had a bad day, I needed to hug someone. even if they hate me, I need to. It's the only way that makes me feel loved, showing that there's something on my mind, that is to tuff for me to say out loud.

"Hi daddy" I said softly.

"How was it with the Riggs?" he said letting go. I was silent. So many things happened with chandler. Was it a good thing that we saved a life, that I jumped out a window that I made out with him?

I nodded. I didn't know what to say, so I just kept positive.
"Well that's great, me and William have lots of catching up to do, before you were born we were so close, family like. Then you were born, they loved you! but you probably wouldn't remember. Then when your mom got sick, they decided to just give us space for this ruff time. And last year when she passed. they weren't to sure how we were handling things so they just kept there distance. Then I saw chandlers father at the store! we caught up on so much! we were hoping to have that bond again just like old times.. what do you think?"

It took me time to process. All though, I didn't even let it I just smiled and nodded.

I went off to bed early. I was exhausted. I laid there and just thought. Thought about everything. Then I remembered that phone call..

Me; hello?

Unknown; I love you

~line went blank~

Could that have been chandler? or worse... Tyler.



Am I the only one who is having an obsession with PTV??💖💖❤️

My school ends on the 13th and I can't wait cause I hate everybody

Bye bye hope u enjoy👋

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