Chapter Seventeen

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The chapter before was a random quote cause I'm so cool;)

Lol for chapter 16 I updated late so MY SCHOOLS OVER HERE COMES SUMMER!!😎😎☀️☀️

----tomorrow's my birthday🙈🙊----


Liahs POV

That thought last night hasn't left my head since. That could have been Tyler, or Chandler!! at first I thought it was a butt dial or wrong number but things are leading up now.
Chandler, he's bullied me, then all of a sudden just changes into a super nice guy. And for goodness sakes we made out!!
Tyler, I don't really have a reason with him, but he came up two days ago, his name. I haven't heard of him for 1 year. Why now?

I couldn't focus. So might as well be white girl and get dem starbuckies.

I headed down stairs and confirmed with my dad. And began to drive.

"Saturday morning, jumped out of bed, put on my best suit, got in the car, and raced like a jet, all the way to you."

"STARBUCKS" I sang "IM DRIVING TO YOUU!" changing the lyrics of the song.


"Nice singing" I voice said.

I was startled to see chandler walking on the street.

"Thanks" I laughed. Slowing down my speed

"Where are you going? let me guess, starbucks?" he smirked

"Yeah your heard me say!"

"Yeah, you sounded terrible and your dressed like a tumblr girl" he laughed

"Yeah I don't know what happened" I giggled. "I'm guessing you want to tag along?"

"Yes please" he said and opened the back seat door, and put his skateboard inside.

"I didn't know you skated" I smiled
"Oh, it's new" he blushed

"Which board do you have?" I asked

He was silent yet smirking, maybe laughing in his head? I don't know.

"Why do you care?" he laughed like it was a joke.
"Well I want to make sure your not as good as me" I smirked.

"You skate?!"

"I've been for a while" I told him. As we talked about it for the drive we finally arrived.

"This is going to be awkward" chandler said rubbing his neck
"What's the problem?"

"Oh just a guy walking into a starbucks" he blushed.

"What?! that's not weird! you could be a tumblr boy! you already have like 200k+ on Instagram and twitter, the deal is sealed!" I continued.

We walked inside and took our orders

"How did you get that many followers anyway?" I questioned waiting for my drink.

"Well, I don't have 200k followers maybe only 90k, and I was in a movie once, you never knew?" he questioned

Was I suppose to know? I knew he was taking drama and had side acting classes but I didn't realize what he took place in.

I shrugged.
"It's not a big deal anyway, how did you get over 500k on tumblr!!?" he asked.

I blushed but felt kinda awkward. Majority of those people are just supporters for both of our problems. I don't want chandler to know I'm famous like that cause I hate my life, and the thoughts I have. It's awkward.

"Just do " I shrugged and we walked outside with our drinks.

"Want to go for a swim?" Chandler asked.

"Where?" I laughed

"I don't know at my house?" he said.

Why not. it would be fun.

I agreed and I dropped chandler at his house to get ready and drove back to mine to do the same.

I put my hair in a messy bun and wore a strapless bikini. I covered it up with one of Bethany Mota's shirts that I won.

I felt happy again. I wasn't so insecure about myself. For once in my life, I felt that my scars on my wrist and hips weren't there. I felt free.

I grabbed my head phones, iPhone, and towel and shoved it in my bag and began to drive. I blasted 5sos and pierce the veil cause I just love them.

I pulled up to Chandlers drive way and checked my phone

Text message from; Chandler
1 minute ago
-no need to knock on the door I'll be in the backyard, just got threw the gates on the side of my house ;)

I responded and headed out. I walked quickly just incase Dylan, Jacob, or Tori wasn't around. They live near chandler and if I didn't get inside in time I would have been done for it.

Past the gates was a big backyard in pool, almost like a hotel. And chandler in the hot tube with a glass of Pepsi.

"Why no beer?" I shouted getting his attention.

When he saw me then smiled. And walked over.

"You look great" he complimented.

"It's a bathing suit not a strip club, what's the temperature!!" I laughed. He laughed too.

"Well your just going to have to find out!" He shouted and tackling me into the pool. We both fell in and splashed and played.

"Whatcha want to do?" he asked

"I don't know."

"Want to reenact High School Musical 2?" he said getting excited.
"Nah!" I laughed and went underwater as he followed.

I saw him ask he swam to the bottom of the pool. Those abs. He's got such a delicious body.mhmm

"I'm jumping in! wanna join?'' he asked

I rejected and went to the side.

"Lifeguard! help! I'm drowning!" I laughed before he jumped in

"I'll save you!!" he shouted and hoped in coming for me.

He grabbed hold of my waist and held me up as I wrapped my legs around his body and held his neck.

It was silent as we starred into each others blue eyes.

"Your so beautiful" he whispered.

And leaned in to kiss me.

I kissed back. Getting a harder grip of his body. He moved his hands from my back and held me from my butt. Pushing me up to make it easier to reach his face. I slowly left the grip of his body and now we were both standing with my arms around him. We kissed passionately. He soon picked me up to land and put me on the beach bed. It was tepid with the soft bed under it. Across from the bed was a tv. Maybe to watch the game or to listen to music. He was on top of me. Kissing up and down my jaw line. Till the door opened.

"Is everything okay?" Gina chandlers mother shouted bringing some snacks. She was scouting the pool area looking for us. Luckily she didn't look to her left or it would have been awkward. We both acted fast straightening up.

"Just watching the game mom!" chandler lied.

His mother sighed in relief and left.

Chandler looked back at me.

"I love you"


Guys I watched TFIOS yesterday and I was BALLING LOUDEST IN THE THEATRE it was so embarrassing but it was amazing!!!💙💙💭☁︎☁︎☁︎☁︎


Guys I seriously think my acting teacher (Stephano DiMatteo) is out to get me he gave me a whole new scene to memorize 'just in case' and the productions next week! (21st)!! And my other teacher (Ramona Milano) is really nice but I'm not so great at acting so I hope she sees light in me!! Wish me luck on my production!💖😁

Bullied by Chandler RiggsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang