The Unexpected Phone Call

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        It was 3:30 in the morning when I got a phone call.

Oh god. This must be the phone call. I reach over to my night stand and pick up my cell phone. It's Augustus's mom. Oh no. This can only mean one thing. I can feel my heart pounding inside my chest. I answer the phone and creak out "hello?" 

"Hello, Hazel can you come down to the hospital, Augustus wants to see you, he's been asking about you all night." Says Mrs. Waters. She speaks with such a tone, it sounds as if she had been crying. I know how she feels, well I don't, but my mom certainly does. 

"I'll get there as soon as I can" I answer nervously. I honestly have no idea what state he is in. I can walk in and see that face the haunts me. That sick face that makes me want to cry for him, because its not him, its the cancer. On the other hand, I could walk in and see his healthy warm face and big crooked smile that makes me want to kiss him and never stop. 

"See you soon" says Mrs. Waters. 

I hang up the phone and take my oxygen tank and hook it into my nose. I put it onto the weels and push it to my parents room. I shake my mom until her eyes open and she sits up quickly, too quickly. She looks up at me. "Whats up ladybug?" she says with a small smile. 

"I just need to visit Augustus in the hospital, I'll be back soon." I say as I turn toward the door. 

"Wait, wait Hun, I'll drive you." says mom as she quickly jumps out of bed and puts on her fluffy slippers. She grabs her keys and starts the car. 

"Okay." I say, surprised of how calm yet fast she is. I follow behind her as we walk swiftly through the living room, to the front yard. When we arrive we hop into her shiny, clean car and she begins to drive to the hospital. 

"So, um its hard for me to say this but I don't think things are gonna look so good there so be prepared to see a side of Augustus that you never intended to see, the side that you didn't know existed." says mom with a serious tone to her voice. 

"I know what to expect mom, I am brave, and do you seriously think that I can't handle seeing him in like, cancer treatment, did you forget who you were talking to?' I say, snapping the words viciously. 


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