The Hospital

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        We finally arrive at the hospital. It took us about 15 minutes to get there, but honestly it felt as though we were driving for hours. I just couldn't thinking about Augustus. As we pull into the parking lot I quickly check the rear view mirror to make sure that I don't look like I've lost lots of sleeping worrying about him and crying for him. 

        When we enter the hospital I cringe at the hospital smell. You would think that I would be used to that smell, but I still can't stand it.

        A nurse with light blonde hair and dark brown eyes approach us. "Hello, I'm assuming your Hazel Grace" she says looking at me. 

        "Yup, you've got me." I say with a fake smile. 

        "Augustus Waters has told me so much about you. He described you and told me to wait in here for you after Mrs. Waters told him that your coming. We don't usually allow family members in the ER but he told me somethings and we have decided to make an exception! Follow me and I'll bring to Augustus!" says the nurse with a big smile on her face. 

        "Let me guess, he told you to look for the girl with the pageboy haircut and the oxygen tank?" I say rolling my eyes as I follow the nurse. 

        "Something like that." She says, still smiling as though she didn't work in a facility full of dying people. 

        We enter the ER and pass lots of curtains filled with people who are actually sicker than me. I hear lots of coughing and I all of a sudden fell guilt, like as though that should be me dying. We keep walking until we reach the curtain of my lover. The nurse tells me to step aside as she hold the curtain open for me. She is still smiling. Augustus's mom sits in a chair in the corner of  the curtain. Her eyes are red and puffy.

        I see him. The boy I love. The boy I can't seem to get enough of. He is sleeping, his beautiful blue eyes hidden by his lids. I want to hold him. I want to love him. He looks sick. Bags lay beneath his eyes. His skin looks pale. He reeks of cancer treatment. I tap his shoulder while the nurse, my mother, and Augustus's mom watch. He doesn't move. I kiss his cheek and a few seconds later his eyes start to open and I can see his beautiful blue eyes. "Hazel Grace, you have finally arrived." He croaks out. 

        "Yes, I have Gus." I say, hurting inside yet still trying to stay positive and happy. 

        "They're gonna give me a PET scan soon, to see if I've improved, even though chances are, I've gotten worse, I mean, I came in here because I was experiencing severe pains." he say sitting upright. 

        "Well I'll be right here by side you." I say still managing to give him a little smile.

        We enter a white room with a big machine in the middle. The machine otherwise known as the PET scanner. I've probably been through this a thousand times. You sit still for awhile and that's about it. A few seconds later, Gus comes rolling in. He sits in a wheelchair. The nurse comes in, followed by Augustus's mom, followed by my mom. A group of doctors that I haven't even noticed emerge from the corner of the room and help him up so that he can lay down on the scanner bed. 

        The nurse looks at us as if to clue us in "The radioactive transmitter was already injected an hour ago, so we are ready to start the scan.". 

        We all watch as the group of doctors start the scan. The bed slowly enters the scanner until the only part of Augustus we can see are his legs. We all watch and wait in silence until finally after about 40 minutes the doctors shut off the scanner and look at a tiny screen. They call over the blonde nurse. They talk and point at the screen. I look at my mom and we hold a glance for a few seconds. The doctors and nurses never take this long to talk about my scans. This cannot be good. 

        The nurses and doctors look at us and the nurse is still smiling. Is she going to deliver the bad news with a smile? 

        "Augustus Water, the doctors and I must inform you that your tumors have been shrinking! The pains you have experiencing have come from the tumors that happen to be shrinking rapidly." says the blonde nurse with that odd smile of hers. Did I her correctly? Shrinking? SHRINKING? 

        A tear starts to emerge from my eye and before I know it I am basically crying a river. My smile is no longer fake, it is know realer than my cancer, which is very real. I glance at Augustus and he is smiling that big crooked smile. I run up to him and hug him. The warmth of his skin fills me with joy. 

        "Honestly, we haven't seen a case like this in years, congrats." says the blonde nurse. She is now even more cheerful than she was before. 

        I turn to Augustus. "Hazel Grace, you have made me the person I am today, you are my angel, you have been with me for so long and I feel as though you are the reason I am still here, every single night I think about you, heck every minute of every day I think about you" He gets up from the scanner bed and wobbles as he attempts kneel with his one leg in front of me. OH GOD.  "I've come so close to death that I feel as though I don't want to wait any longer, I want to spend every minute of every day of my life with you. Hazel Grace Lancaster, Will you marry me?" 

        I stand there, shocked and amazed by what I am hearing. He pulls out a black box, he opens it and I see a ring shaped like a star, there are little diamonds in it, and in the middle, there is an engraving, it reads "Okay". "I got this a few weeks ago, if I didn't make it I always thought that I could leave it for you to have as a way to remember me, and the guy at the jewelry shop was confused when I told him to engrave okay onto the ring. Oh and the reason why they even let you and your mom into the ER is because I told them that I was going to propose to you" he says smirking. His blue eyes are oh so promising, I glance at my mom and she gives me a thumbs up. 

        "Okay" I say with a smile. 

************************************************************************************************************  Hey guys! So just so you guys know, this is not the end! lol I'm working on the next chapter and just as a disclaimer, you guys are probably wondering why Mrs. Lancaster was so ok with this whole marriage thing, just take a minute to think about all that they have been through.. She knows that they have basically scrapped the walls of death.. I would like to thank all of my readers I LOVE YOU GUYS <3 Keep on being your amazing selves :)  Bye now. Okay? Okay.

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