The Return of Love

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        Augustus is coming home tomorrow. This is a miracle. This is life. Although I'm still full of cancer, he isn't which is incredible. 1 battle won, 1 to go. 

        I look in the mirror and see a fighter. I'm not giving up, not yet. I fix my hair with my comb and hands. I apply some mascara and a little bit of lip gloss. I've never been a "girly girl" and I'm not a big fan of makeup but this is a big deal and I want to look as though I've put some effort in. I can't wait to see Augustus's bright healthy face again. I pick out a green skater dress. I slip it on. I make sure that my oxygen tubes are firmly in my nose. His parents are throwing a "Welcome Home" party since he has been recovering for about a month in the hospital. I grab the little box wrapped in blue wrapping paper. It's my gift to Augustus. 

        I pull my oxygen tank behind me and walk towards the door. "Mom, Dad, Let's go to Augustus's now." I yell as I walk. They come rushing over immediately. 

        "Ok hun, let's go!" my mom says with a bright smile on her face. My dad smiles as he follows close behind mom as we head into the car.

        "This is amazing." I say with a big smile on my face. 

        "Its the best." Says my mom smiling. 

         "I just can't believe that my baby's gonna get married soon." says my dad, the smile wiped from his face.  "I just found out yesterday, but Augustus is a good kid and I trust him to take care of my daughter." he says, the smile re-appears on his face. 

        We reach Augustus's house and I see a bunch of cars parked near his house. I walk in with my parents and I see lots of people who resemble Augustus in little, but noticeable ways. They all must be related to him. Then I see Isaac. He is sitting on the couch, with his mom sitting next to him. He looks the same as the last time I saw him which was quite a few months ago. 

        "Hey Issac." I say sitting next to him. 

        "Oh hey Hazel, how are you?" He asks turning his head in my direction. 

        "I'm doing great, I wish I could show you the ring but Gus and I are engaged!" I say with a smile. 

        "Oh my gosh! That's amazing! Congrats!" he says smiling.

        " Thanks! So have you found your lucky lady yet." I say nudging him. 

        "I have indeed." he says smiling "her name's Jenny and she has a hot voice." he says smiling.

        "That's great. Is she her-" I start to say. A blonde girl with a tight black dress sits down on Issac's lap and starts kissing him, with his mom still sitting there. Issac's mom shifts uncomfortably. 

      "Kids, can you keep the kissing to a minimum please." says Issac's mother. Jenny stops immediately and gives Issac's mom a dirty look. 

        The door opens and I see a bright, young, healthy man walk in. He smiles at me.  Augustus. I run up to him pulling my oxygen tank awkwardly behind me and hug him. I look into his beautiful eyes and kiss him. I can feel eyes starring at me. I look up into his eyes again. "Welcome Home." I say smiling. 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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