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"Cole..." I said staring at him and he shakes his head.

"You want to know the great thing about having an Iphone. You can track it" he says and I stare at him. "My phone is inside, I'm guessing Dylan brought it over? Can I get it?" he asked and I bite my lip. I go up to the door unlocking it and walked in. "Where should I look? Bedroom?"

"Cole I didn't sleep with him" I said and he shakes his head. Damn near did. I walk into the living where I saw Cole's phone and I pick it up then looked at him. He holds out his hand and I stare at him. "Could we talk?"

"No. I'm pretty tired and I only came from my phone" he says and I hand him his phone. "Thanks" he said walking to the door.

"Cole come on" I said and he leaves. Ugh! I wanted to talk to him but at the same time I'm okay that he left. I mean what was I going to say? Hey Cole, I made out with Dylan a few times and we basically went on a date and what not? I needed to come up with something. I could come up with a lie. How would he know I was actually with Dylan? Did he see us? Ugh! I can't lie to Cole. I decided to take a shower and call it a night.

I was angry at myself that I fell for Dylan's crap again. I really made out with him. I really went with him in his stupid car. I even got more angry when I realize that Dylan is the only thing I'm thinking about. I needed to be thinking about Cole and what this means for our relationship.

When I woke up the following morning, my mom had left me a few text messages about the anniversary dinner tonight.  She invited my friends and of course my friends families. I was nervous because Cole was supposed to be my date. Is he going to come? I decided to call him and his phone rings until it goes to voicemail.

"Hey... Cole. Umm... you're probably still sleeping. Well I hope you're still sleeping and you're not ignoring me. I have to go pick up a few things from the store for the dinner tonight but I really hope you will be there. I know we have a lot to talk about and I just need you to let me explain. Okay, bye" I say hanging up. I stare at my phone and rolled my eyes. He's allowed to be mad at me. I mean... I did basically cheat on him but it was for a good reason. We won't be bothered by Dylan anymore. I wonder what Dylan is doing. I shake the thought of Dylan because I need to be thinking about Cole. What the hell is your problem Jo?

I decided to get dress and run to the store to pick up everything my mother had ordered for their fake anniversary tonight. This was so stupid. I still can't believe that my parents put up with this stupid act. After I was finish grocery shopping I drive home and looked at my phone to see no calls or text from Cole. As I head upstairs I decided to call him again and it goes to voicemail.

"Right... so your phone is dead and that's why you aren't answering. I'm about to get dressed and I will see you there? I guess? Okay, bye" I said hanging up. This is ridiculous, he could at least talk to me. Once I'm inside my apartment, I decided to make me lunch then went to get dressed. I straightened my hair and stared at myself. When I'm ready, I grab my phone to see there was no messages or calls. I roll my eyes and left my apartment and went downstairs.

I start my car and started to think. Maybe I should call Dylan? Maybe he knows where Cole is? The last thing I should want to do is call Dylan. I drive to my parent's house and prepared myself for my parents to bug me about Cole. I carried some of the groceries in and the house was full of people already.

"There you are" my mom says coming up the hallway. "Did you get the cheese platter?"

"Yes" I said walking to the kitchen.

"Good! Thank you Josephina, now you and Cole go mingle and talk to some of my friends. It'll be great for everyone to see you both as a strong couple on the rise" she smiles.

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