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This is a work of fiction.

Names, characters, places and incidents are all products of the authors imagination only. Any commonality/resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincedental. 

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Have fun sweeties♡

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Memories are meant to be remembered for someone who valued them and meant to be forgotten for someone who loathed them.

Danda is a sweet little girl who shouts trouble. She's a girl that convey wonderings. She's the kind of girl that discover adventurous things and is very attentive for her age.

One afternoon when she was planning on going to the Marianas cliff for some reason she met a boy who named Liam.  Liam is currently reading a book under the big oak tree in the middle of the forest When they met.

Liam was the little guy who is smart and boring according to Danda's viewpoint.  He loves reading books while Danda love discoveries.

They're totally opposite but they surprisingly get along with each other. When they become closer each passing day, they become buddies in crimes and later on became an inseparable duos.

They went together in Marianas cliff and made it their running place every time they're in trouble.

They made the big oak tree where they first met as their timeline. They carved their names and every date that mostly matter to them in that tree. They made it as their reminder of the things they don't want to forget.

But due to some unstoppable events in their lives, Marianas Cliff was long forgotten as well as the their promises with each other and the big oak tree in the middle of the forest.


Childhood friends and memories  will always be part of our life.

But what if they cross path with each other again someday?

Will their friendship remain the same as it was before?

Time and place does really matter when life set you a part with the people you live your life with along the way.


I know everyone of us have childhood memories just like danda and liam❤

Read more if you what to know what will be their life after not seeing each other for a long time.

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