Magic in the city

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I bought my tickets a month in advance. Everything is going to be perfect. I'm so done with this town, I guess I might miss a few but New York will be my new home. I picked up my phone. 4 missed calls and 6 texts. Jesus. It's already late and my flight is tomorrow, I might as well get some sleep.

Next morning

I could feel the sun coming through the window onto my face. Shit! It's 7 o'clock! I jumped out of bed and to my surprise the floor was cold as fuck. This house is never cold what the hell?! Okay okay calm down Scarlette. I grabbed my phone and it was only 45 percent. Well that will have to wait. Turned on my music mix and jumped in the shower. Last shower in the house I grew up in wow.. Well I have to make it matter I thought. Just then my favorite song came on and I started singing, performing really in my shower. Shit. I really have to get ready.

My long blonde hair takes forever to dry so I think I'm just going to do that wet look thing. Yeah that will work. 7:20 damn what have I been doing? Oh yeah dancing naked. Alright all I have to is get dressed. I've had this outfit planned out for weeks. A pair of high waisted shorts t shirt with a flannel long sleeve around my waist.

Kay. Dressed check that off. Make up, just some eye liner on the top and bottom of my green eyes, and some mascara. Parents are still sleeping, should I wake them? Their only daughter is leaving.. Yeah sure.

"Mom, dad? " opening the door to their bedroom quietly. Yup, sleeping. Slowly I waked over to my moms side and shook her a bit, she woke right up frightened. "What's wrong sweety?" She questioned all tired like.

"Mom it's the day, I'm leaving."

"Oh.. Well well let me help you." She try's to get out of bed but I stop her, assuring I have every thing under control. Then going to my dad's side doing the same to him. Seeing the tears in both of their eyes almost hurt.

7:40 okay plane leaves at noon I have time I told my self driving off past our one stop light in town then seeing the you are now leaving sign. This is a new begging. My life, my story.

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