Chapter 3

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Hey y'all it's late once again..

It felt like getting my bags checked was forever long, I mean I had hunter with me but there was very awkward conversations. I have mixed feelings, as in he seems really cute and super nice. But then again he could be a criminal and trying to rape or kill me..

What ever he's cute at least.

" where are you from?" He looked at me so I arrested in my life as he asked.

"Well, it's a quite farm town in Kentucky, not even on the map really, how about you?" Alright nice small talk

"I pretty much grew up all over my father and mother were in the marines, so where ever they went I went. Finally out of the loop though moving to New York is every thing I ever wanted." Oh my gosh.. He's so deep why? Why?! Crap I'm not talking maybe he didn't notice.

"That's gramazing!" What did I just say..


Shit shit shit.. "I said gramazing.. I meant amazing and great but I didn't know which one came out first.. This is awkward" I could feel my face get hot

"Aw your so cute."

Did he just say I'm cute .. I'm cute? How should I take that..

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