Drama Club//Chapter 6

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Hayden POV

I sat down in class,next to Annie, she was really nice and i secretly had a crush on her but unfortunately she had a boyfriend.

During the end of the class, Annie asked me "hey,are you free tonight?", i replied"yeah" and then she asked me"do you want to join me and the gang tonight? at shakeys arcade?", i smiled at her and said "sure,". 

As soon as the bell rang I packed my stuff and walked out of class. in the hallway, i saw my brother, Jimmy, talking to Annie's sister, Hayley. He casually walked up to me and said "Hayden, i saw this petition about a drama club,thought you would like it,". 

I loved acting! and this was my chance, i went to the board and signed up for the drama club. I checked the other names and saw that Annie was also there.

The first meeting of the drama club was after school. After school I went to the theatre and saw Annie. I guess she noticed me and waved at me to come join her. I stood next to her. The teacher Mrs.Brown came in. she said"i am very happy that all of you have decided to join us, last year's school play was a hit! but this year is going to be even better,". she went on and on for what seemed like hours to me. she finnaly finished by saying "this year we will be doing the play Romeo and Juliet, tomorrow we will have the auditions so dont be late." 

and i knew I was going to sign up for Romeo.

hope you like the chapter. it is short though. will update as soon as possible. hope we get more reads. please suggest some ideas. thank you for the reads:)

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