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2 months later

"Loki, I'm growing tired of you." I placed my hand on my hip.

"Aw, c'mon America. Just a little bit more fun—" before the snake could finish, I threw my clenched fist at his face which sent him flying back and slamming into the brick wall of a building, leaving an imprint of his body as he fell to the concrete. He rubbed the newly forming bruise on his cheek and let out a groan. I walked next to him and rubbed my hands together, took a deep breath, then punched towards the wall, which tore a hole into the multiverse. "Go home, Loki." I grabbed him by his green coat and tossed him through the Star-shaped hole in reality and watched as it closed behind him. I smacked my hands together and with a satisfied smirk, I flew away.

As I fly over the beautiful city of Queens, watching as people passed by without notice, in the distance I could see a red figure standing on a building jumping and waving as if they were trying to get my atte— oh shit. I lowered my head and covered my face as Spider-Man jumped off the building and swung my way. I hovered a few feet over him as he made his way to me.

"Hey! Miss America! Biiig fan."


"So uh... how's y'know, the hero business?" He asked. I looked over to the setting sun. The entire city was lit with the orange glow. "Yeah well it's going pretty great for me y'know. I stopped a, uh, grand theft bicycle, and I helped this really nice Dominican lady and she bought me a churro... yep. Not much happening. Which I mean—it's good that there isn't much crime, but doesn't it get boring?"

"I..." I sighed. "I wouldn't know." I said, still hovering a few feet above him, keeping from eye contact. "I don't bother with small crime."

"Huh? Oh so what, you do stuff like the Avengers?"

"What's with that sarcastic tone?" I furrowed my brows.

"N-nothing, nothing... you just, I dunno, you guys act like something as simple as a purse mugging isn't a big deal."

"Spider-man," I began, nearly spitting out his real name. "it's not that it isn't important, it's just we have people for that. Like the Police. You, even."

"Well, not to brag but I did fight captain America. I stole his shield. So I think I'm pretty capable of more."

I rolled my eyes. "And I did just send Loki into an alternate dimension for the thirtieth time."

"WOAH! WHAT? You saw the Loki? Isn't he like, a god? Also I thought he was dead..."

"Pft. He's no god, he's a trickster. And a pain in my ass."

"So cool... oh hey, uh, you work with Mr. Stark right? Is there any way you could talk to him about maybe when my next mission is?"

"Why don't you just have patience and stick to stopping bicycle robberies. Leave the higher-up problems to the higher-ups."

"Like the Avengers? Yeah right." He sighed.

I seen him look to the distance. "Look, spider-guy, your time will come. But for now, just wait. I-I have to go. Don't do anything stupid, Okay?" He didn't even look to me as I flew away.

Greeted with the sweet spicy smell of whatever my adoptive mom was cooking today, I grabbed a plate and shut myself into my room. Flipping on the TV which was already on Channel 20 news, I leaned back in my computer chair with my plate on my lap and pulled out my phone and began scrolling through my messages between Peter and I. We rarely text, but when we did, it was mostly me talking. He was so bad at replying and it drove me crazy.

Marvel: Miss Americaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن