A Bloody Mess

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Assassin brats were pompous gits.

Blaise decided on that in an instant as she sat in the corner of the kiddies' ballroom, keeping a close eye on her two youngest siblings exactly like her mother had ordered her to. The pair were notorious for getting into trouble, and the second eldest Deryn was fairly sure they were both fairly close to causing some form of drama.

"Tch." She scowled. "How did I get dragged into this?!" She stood, making her way over to her two siblings, dimly hearing the sounds of their conversations.

"I go to the Assassin's School." The boy smirked, clearly trying to impress the two as they stood there, wearing the necklaces which designated them as mere civilians.

Blaise sighed deeply, knowing her two sisters wouldn't be impressed in the slightest. In fact, they'd be more likely to-

Two pens wound up stuck up his nostrils.

"Shut up, would you?"


Reyna scowled, flicking the pens out, smiling as blood leaked down from his nostrils. "See ya around, kiddo." She said, patting him on the head as she discarded her two weapons rather casually, pretending not to spy an exasperated Blaise walking over to her.


The sound of a shot ringing out made the entire ballroom freeze.

Doors swung open, guests fleeing from the other room where the commotion was taking place, but unlike the rest of them, the three siblings moved closer towards the sounds of shrieks and screams. Curiosity was plastered across their faces, which soon turned to horror when they heard the whispers.

"Thank the gods it was just a low-ranking assassin..."

"What was his name again?" The snooty gentleman asked, turning to his wife who was clearly a spoilt brat.

"Jason Deryn."

The name made the three sisters sprint through the oncoming tidal wave of people frantically trying to escape what looked to be a rather bloody scene... with their father playing the main role.

"Dad..." Rogue whispered, racing to his side from across the room, her eyes wide when she saw the amount of blood surrounding him. "No..."

"You..." Lillian stared at the man who'd killed their father. The same man who was currently holding their mother's limp form.

"Come on." Rogue whispered, patting their father's lukewarm cheek. "Wake up, dammit."

"Ro..." Blaise ran up to her side, staring between her older sister and their father's crumpled form on the ground, gritting her teeth as the eldest Deryn sibling shook her head.

"This isn't happening." Reyna shook her head. "Dad wouldn't die. He wouldn't let mum be carried off in the arms of another man..." She said, staring at their mother's unconscious form, only able to watch as the brunette turned, bursting through the stained-glass window behind him, fleeing into the forest. "Wait." She yelled, stepping forwards, blinking when a group of twenty black-cloaked figures blocked her path.

Ruby appeared beside her sister. "Get out of the way." She hissed, glaring at shattered window, not missing the twenty or so figures that slipped past.

The so-called elite assassins who's been attending the ball.

Ruby didn't want them to catch him, though.


She wanted to be the one who did that. She wanted to be the one to rip him limb from limb. She wanted to watch him die right in front of her.

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