15; Why Micha wants to die (her past/long chapter) pt. 2

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Micha: 13 years old

Micha sits casually in the couch, eating a cup noodles. She was alone at home, since her father was at work and her brother lived with some friends on the other side of the city to study whatever he studied.

Micha was told she could call some friends over since it's Saturday after all.

The young girl sends a glare to the phone on the coffee table.

"I-I could call... Umm..."

Micha goes back to her noodles, she don't have any real friends, she got 'friends' that she can be with at school, but they are only with her because of group projects.

She eats the rest of her noodles, walking casually to the kitchen to clean the cup. Then a little knock appears on the front door.

Micha walks to the door, she takes the door handle, sighs before opening it.

A boy stands in front of her with a big smile, that looks like a box, he got probably his father behind him.

"Where's your parents?"

The grown man asks.

Micha sighs before answering.

"Dad is at work, and mom doesn't live here."

The boy's smile fades, he turns around to look at the adult, that smiles awkwardly, the boy turns back to Micha before smiling again.

"My name is Kim Taehyung, wanna hang out?"

The boy asks. His father approves with a smile, before turning around and walks to their house.

Micha nods, and walks inside the house again, with Taehyung walking after.

"My name is Chi Micha."

Micha fiddles her fingers.

"What do you do when you're bored here?"

Taehyung asks, still smiling at the shorter girl. She wasn't so much shorter than him, only like five centimeters.

"I got a PlayStation."

Micha mumbles. Taehyung's eyes lights up as he hears the word 'PlayStation'. He loved to play games.

"Yes! Let's do that!"

The two 13 year olds grow a beautiful friendship that they hope never gets broken.

Micha: 17 years old

Micha takes out her books from her locker with Taehyung over her shoulder complaining about his little other group of friends.

"I can't believe they actually got A's on their tests. Like I read threw their essays, and my was better."

He groans. Micha answers with a sigh.

"Tae, Namjoon got a high iq, and Seokjin makes good food and is like a male mom, Jimin... Jimin got the teachers around his pinky finger with his weird annoying eye smile. How can you compete with that?"

Taehyung looks her deeply in the eye, they stand there a few seconds.

"Namjoon likes you, like likes you a lot, like a big crush on you, like-"

Micha cuts the box boy off.

"Namjoon is not my type either, he's... smart."

Taehyung nods.

"Okay, could you date Seokjin?"

Taehyung smirks.

"No, he's like a mom!"

The both 17-year olds laugh together. Micha grabs her books and closes her locker. They walk to their next classes. Micha with math, and Taehyung with music.

They hug each other in front of the math classroom, then walk separate ways.

Micha sits down at her desk in the back of the classroom.

Even though Micha has a friend, she can't exactly still be alive. She already planned how her death is gonna be. How she's gonna write her suicide note. What she's gonna write on her text to Taehyung before she dies.

She did have a crush, only a tiny crush. She couldn't ruin her friendship with Taehyung for his friend. Namjoon is pretty hot though.

The girl plays with a pen between her fingers not noticing the note that had fallen on her desk.

As the teacher walks in the classroom Micha notices the note on her desk, she slowly opens it without a sound.

Yoongi, the boy that sits in the desk next to her, reads the note for both of them.

Call me

"Wow okay, didn't thought he would like a suicidal loner."

Yoongi mumbles.

Micha looks curious at the boy.

"H-how did you know that..?"

She asks, Yoongi looked at Micha.

"Well, you lost a letter once after class, I picked it up, read it, because I was curious of what it was. Just some plan on ways to die and what to do blah blah blah..."

Yoongi looked in the air.

"Well, to be nice, don't die, then I can't copy your homework when I've been to lazy to do my own."

Micha looked at him with big eyes, he's the only person that knows about her plans, and he's older and she only knows his name and that he often sleep in class, with often she means always.

He didn't help though.

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