❤Only For You!❤

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Chappie: 46❤

{*Hours later everyone Is still waiting patiently In the waiting room When the doctor comes out*}

Doctor: Family of Cassie ?

Everybody: *Stands up* Yes ?

Doctor: Well Cassie Is fine she's healthy and so are the babies the delivery was a success and you may go back and see her now as you please.

Elijah: Wait! Did you just say babies as in two not one?

Doctor: Yes Cassie had twins a boy and a girl.

Elijah: Okay Thanks.

Doctor: No problem. *Walks away*

{*Everybody goes back and see's Cassie holding the babies and they walk Into her room and crowd around her and the kids sit on the bed next too Cassie*}

Aliyah: Cassie so What did you name them ?

Cassie: Issabella Marie and Andre Tyler.

Everybody: Oh Awe!

Cassie: *Laughs* Yeah.

Elijah: *Sits next too Cassie* Can I hold one ?

Cassie: *Laughs at his comment* Yeah sure they are yours but witch one Issabella Or Andre?

Elijah: Issabella.

Cassie: Awe okay Daddy's little girl already. *Hands Issabella too Elijah*

Aliyah: Oh! Cassie I want you too me somebody.

Cassie: Oh Who ?

Aliyah: My Brother Cameron and his fiance Tyrra.

Cassie: Oh Okay.

Aliyah: Cassie this Is Tyrra, Tyrra this Is Cassie.

Tyrra: Hi.

Cassie: Hello.

Aliyah: Cameron this Is Cassie, Cassie this Is my older by one year Brother Cameron.

Cameron: Hi.

Cassie: Hey.

Ariel: So Now there are three babies.

Roc: Yup.

Layla: There's baby Ellie baby Andre and baby Issabella.

MaKayla: That's so cute but I do want y'all too meet my bestfriend LaKayla and yeah I know our names rhyme now S.T.F.U.

LaKayla: *Walks In the room linked up too Trey Songz* Hey everybody I'm LaKayla.

Everybody: Heeeeeeyyy!

MaKayla: And Whose this linked up too your arm.

LaKayla: My boyfriend Trey.

MaKayla: Oh Okay, I'ma have too gather the girls and holla at you later.

LaKayla: Yeah I guess so who had a baby ?

Ariel: Babies and Cassie.

LaKayla: Awee Can I See ?

Cassie: Yeah come here.

LaKayla: *Walks over too Cassie and looks at the babies In awe* What's their names ?

Elijah: Andre Tyler.

Cassie: Issabella Marie.

LaKayla: Awe their cute names for cute kids of course.

E/B: *Laughs*

Cassie: Y'all ready too leave ?

Elijah: Babe are you able too leave ?

Cassie: Yeah.

Elijah: Okay.

Ariel: Aye Why y'all so quiet over there?

Layla: Yeup Roc, Ray, Prod, Prince, Diggy, Trey, and Cameron.

The Boys: Huh ???

Aliyah,Ariel,&Layla: *Says at the same time In the same exact way* Oh Wow y'all some dumb asses.

{~*Noticed they said It all at once*~}

Aliyah, Ariel, & Layla: Hahahahaha Jinx! *High fives each other stupidly*

Cassie: Now y'all the dumb asses but Leggo, Hospitals scare me you usually die In Hospitals.

MaKayla: What! No you don't shut the fuck up and C'mon.

{~*Everybody leaves and goes too Ariel and Roc's house and throws a pool party but only them thou they don't want a crowded house so they have their own party and turn up by themselves*~}

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