Dealin' With The Devils Son

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(Just learned about aura... My last chapter now makes no sense. Also, I'm getting the feel of some characters, and my Analysis for Ozpin is... He gives no fucks. My new mascot. WARNING: This is 4500 words long, unless you like that then keep reading.)

As I hopped onto their aircraft I looked out of a small window that was to my right. I was going to quickly nap until female of the group interrupted me.

"Hey, Y/n. Are you up?" She asked.

"Well, now I am. So, What do you want, young grasshopper?" I asked her.

"I was wondering why Ozpin and the other schools want you." She admitted.

"Hmm, alright. But, first let me ask you this, if there was a force that could rule the world with An iron grip, wouldn't you want to contain that person? Or would you let the next person, corrupt that being?"

"I-I guess I would try to contain them" She awnsered.

"There, You now see why he wants me... Although, another question, What's all of your name's?" I asked completely throwing the serious mood out of place.

"Eh! You haven't learned our names yet?" She screamed.

"Shh, I recommend you be quiet. Don't want to wake up your friends do you?"

"Y-yeah, anyway, my name's Ayami, The leaders name is Saku, the wild faunus' name is Taishi and lastly we have Rini, she the one who kicked your back when you were healing earlier"

"Alright, I see. It was a nice chat with you, but I'd like to rest now If I could."

"Ok" She looked behind her, seeing all of her comrades sleep, "Say y/n, do you want to go back to beacon?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked at her, "Thats quite the odd question isn't it?"

"W-well, I was Just wondering you seem so nice. I didn't want to burden you with forcing you to come here. If you want to escape you can go, I won't tell anyone."

"Heh, I get it. You're the nice person of the group, but listen, I'm not a nice guy. And, I never will be"

"Why do you say that?" She questioned.

"Because, I don't finish last" I told her jokingly, "But seriously, I'm not friend material... So don't get too attached, Goodnight" I finished.


"Good... night!" I cut in.

She sighed, and stared at me for a couple of seconds. She eventually went into her ships room and fell asleep. I looked up through the glass.

"Was I too hard?" I questioned, the second I said that I saw a small shooting star, "Yeah, I guess I was" I admitted, "You were always a good friend, Even in death you help me. Thank you... Jubei" I finished before I shifted myself and fell asleep.
I slowly started to wake up from the sunlight hitting my closed eye lids. As I started to get up, I noticed that my hand was completely numb, and the back of my right shoulder hurt like hell. I must've slept on it the wrong way.

As I started to get off of the hard chair I slept on, I noticed that the auto pilot said we had 35 minutes until we officially landed. I grabbed my sword's and put them back on my back. Once this step was finished I then made my way towards the teams room.

Once there I say that they slept like animals. I say that Saku was laying on his bed, in pajamas with a huge snot bubble. Taishi slept in a fetal position. But the girls... They slept the worst, Ayano was a top bunk, and her legs hung down and it seems she was able to reach Saku's blanket and kick it off of him. Rini, well she slept at least the most Humane out of the whole group... Not counting the lion roaring that she's making.

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