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A/N: Ha! I betcha thought I was dead 😅 well I'm not! So... I thought about this book while sleeping and the ideas came to me in a dream. So please enjoy and make sure to leave lots of comments and leave a vote if you like it!

  Happy reading!

- ReyxSolo


   Evlynn was the typical spoiled girl who lived in a beautiful house. Her family loved her very much and treated her with the ever most love and respect that they could give.
  She went to a nice school and was used to wearing uniforms each day. How ever, high school came with its own set of probelms as soon as she would walk through the doors. For example, there were these groups called "Cliques," anyone who was anyone was in them. How ever, the beautiful, blond and smart Evlynn wasin't in these groups.

  The students around her fit in with their choice of style, beauty, or the type of clubs they were into. But not for Eve. She was alone, and no one would even bearly talk to her outside of groups. 

  The students had to be divided into groups and she felt alone and constantly under the pressure to fit in. As soon as she got home, she was away from all the drama, away from the Bullshit 'Who slept with who,' nonsense. She was home.

  Her parents that day made a nice meal for her and her two brothers, Mike and Christen. These boys were much older then Eve but lived in the house to gather money for University. "Did you kids hear about what happend?" Your mother braught up at the table, cutting into the chicken.

  "No... school was just really buisy today,' you sighed, "Thank goodness it's over soon,"

"Oh? Sorry to hear that my love," Eve's mother cut her a peice of chicken, "Well I read the newspaper this morning and it turns out that someone close to here was kidnapped!"

  The word 'kidnapped' caught Eve's attention, "What?! No way!" Her brothers were shocked, "I can't belive it, nothing ever happens in this boring town," They scooped up some potatoes and put it on their plates, making a plop noice.

   "Yeah..." Eve's mother paused, "Someone from your school dear. I'm suprised the school didin't say a word about it." Her mother passed her the gravy.  In Eve's head she thought about what happend. It made her upset that the school didin't do a damn thing to reconize that something out of the usual happend that week. "You know what the cops always say my dears?" She asked, "The first twenty four hours are the most important,"

"Or what?" Eve asked in her sweet little mouse like voice. Her brothers laughed and had a bit of food in their mouthes as they shouted, "Or else the loser is dead!"

  Your mom passed them a disgusted look, "That's no way to behave boys. Show some respect," the rest of the dinner was quiet. It seemed the whole family was thinking about what happend and what they could do. Eve especially, she wanted the world to be a safe and kind place for anyone. But her sweet and kind wish never ever seemed to come true.


School didin't seem to get any easier. Eves had a hard time paying attention, she never ment any harm. She just had an intresting way of getting her ideas down onto the paper for grading. These differences set her aside and made her feel even more left out.

  So one day, as she was doing her work minding her own buisness a student started bothering her. "Have ya got any friends?..." the kid asked, looking down at her. He was a senior just like Eve, but he seemed to be a pure bread asshole. "All alone?" He asked.

  Eve stopped what she was doing and looked up at him for a second, "W- why are you asking me these things... it's making me uncomfortable," She moved her blond side bangs out of her face and pushed then behind her ear.

   The boy just laughed and had seen her lonliness as some sort of a weakness  so he pulled out a pencil and stabbed it through her hand. The tip of the pencil went through Eves palm causing her to tear up. He grabbed her and covered her mouth, "Shut up. Don't say a word or else I'll kick your ass more," He told her and then suddenly he let go and the bell rung.

  Blood leaked down Eves palm as she started to tear up. Then as the bystanders started to leave the class, she left crying and ran into the girls bathroom.

  She pulled the pencil out and wrapped a paper towel around her hand. Pain coursed through her hand, making her sit down in the corner and hold onto her hand. Then to Eve's suprise, someone acually cared.

"Hey... is everything okay?..."She paused and looked at the wound, "Oh shoot! I'm sorry.... I had no clue you were bleeding," She knelt down and took a good look at it, "That looks painful, did you tell anyone else but me?" She asked Eve and she just shook her head sadly.  "Poor thing... I'm sorry this happend,' then she showed more kindness by giving Eve the currage to stand up and say something about what happend to the schools principal.

  "I'm sorry this happend to you miss Evlynn,' he told her, "But it won't ever happen again. Troy... the boy who did this to you will be facing detention and explosion, " Evlynn nodded and her friend looked over at her.

"You know... I'm glad I helped you." She said, 'My name Cas," She smiled and shook your good hand, "I'll see ya on Monday,  take care," Then Cas had to leave. She raced off to the Bus that she had to catch while Eve had to stay back.

  She thought about the kindness Cas showed her during her dark moments of hell in the school. It made her happy to have someone like that who just seemed to care. A small smile grew on Evlynn's face.

  Cas dressed pretty casually, but yet her outfits were pretty while her hair had a little bit of purple in it. Her eyes were hazel and very pretty looking while her skin was sort of tan, yet peachy like.


   Cas and Eve started seeing each other after and during school. This started devolving their friendship everyday, "You know what?" She asked Eve and she smiled, putting down her juice box. "What?" Eve met her friendly gaze and smiled back. "You know... my name isn't really Cassie or anything like that. My name is actually short for Casino!" She laughed while Eve tried not to. 

"Is it really?" Eve asked, "Whoa that's crazy, but I like it," Her friend smiled and took a bite out of her lettuce and ham sandwich. She quickly chewed and swallowed and said, "You betcha, my parents wanted something fun and unique for me so that's what they chose," 

   As the weeks went by of Eve's normal thing but things started to turn for the worse when she heard that her best friend was actually gone. Her mother told her that Cas never made it home that Monday and she had been missing for a full three days. Her parents were devastated along with the rest of the family.

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