Jacè, The boy in the mask

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A/N: Now we are following my favourite oc character that I made up! Ahhhh I love him, he's great!!!


Jace was a hot headed young man who didn't have any patience. He got angry fast and lived in a huge hidden place in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of children around his age. Of course, he didn't have a saying in what happens to him. His parents never gave a damn about him so he was pretty much on his own. Except for his little sister, her name was Mègan. He had dyed fiery looking hair and an attitude to match it. The both of those kids were abandoned and easily picked up by the Master.

This huge place was sort of like a manor but well hidden. People who went inside never came out and the master always had control of who is inside and who is outside. His wishes were everything around the house, what he said always went no matter what any of the teens had to say, and yet he hardly spent any time with them.

Jacè sat in his bedroom and looked at the target on his wall. He carefully looked over at it and aimed a sharp long knife at it. The knifes he had were nothing special, besides that they were super sharp and his favourite shade which was black. He carefully eyed the target and held one of the knifes in his hand while the other two were in his other hand, "Easy... nice and easy," He tossed it at the perfect time and speed, hitting the target. A smile made it's way onto the man's face as he threw a few more and grabbed some more out of his back pack.

Jacè's little sister came in without knocking and watched him for a second, "What are you doing?...." She asked and he stopped and faced her, "I'm training little sis, not don't move," He tossed the knife over in her direction, just barely missing her but hitting the wall.

"Idiot! You could have killed me!" She said, sounding super frustrated and angry at him. "No... I don't even want to hear the exuse," Mègan left the room with a pretty mad look on her face.

"Heh, shes just like mom and dad sometimes... None of them ever loved me anyway," He threw more and more of them in anger. He was mad that they did all those horrible things to him and as he got up to grab his knifes he accidentally cut some of his shirt, showing one of his horrible scars from his dad, "Old... old man! Fuck you," He growled and sooner then later he was called down to the main hall with all the rest of the children.

His friend Chance was there with the group of teens and he smiled at Jace, "Hey man... You okay? You don't look to hot there buddy," Chance slapped Jàce's back and it caused a little smile on his friends face.

"Its nothing... I'm fine," Jace said, hiding his inner pain. "So why is everyone here?" He asked, looking around at the crowed of people and then, the Master showed up with his crow on his shoulder.

"Evening everyone," He said, looking over the crowd of teenagers, there was about eight or so. "My children, today is finally the day you've all been waiting for...''

The excitement in the room rose. The teens all cheered since they finally knew that they would be tested to figure out their exact skills and what kind of person they were. Jace in particular wanted to know who he was and what sort of power this man had in store for him to find out. They were soon set off into groups, these groups were made up of four other kids that were the older ones that were kidnapped long before Jace and his friends showed up. Then there was the other group of four that were made up of Chance, Jàce, Mègan and Cas who was taken as well.

These groups were taken to a huge room that looked as if the galaxy was right beneath their feet. As they stepped the floor would glow a bit and then fade. As Jacè walked around with his group he saw that the others went off in a different direction while him and his group continued onward. "Just so you know... I'm nothing like you. I won't ever be anything like you," Mègan said, harshly to her older brother. "Everyone thinks I'm like you and I'm not, so shut up,"

Jay just scarfed and messed her hair up, "Oh calm down you, I'm sure we will have the same exact power. Don't you worry about a thing," He laughed a bit and continued on into the dark with them.

Chance heard someone tell him something and he stopped moving. "Hey... Guys we need to stop right here," He said looking over at them and they all stopped, "Something is telling me to stay and... I think I know what I am," He said looking off in their direction.

"That's great buddy, why don't you tell us?" Jacè asked and Chance smiled, saying, "Oh I think we all knew all along. I'm getting a really strong feeling that I am the brains... like I'm really smart and that I can hack anything," Jacè slapped him on the back.

"Great job there buddy!" He said happily and the rest of the group started to feel it too.

"I'm the shape shiftier," Mègan said with a smile on her face, "I think I can shape into things,"

"Then maybe don't shape into a pain," Jay sighed and looked at her, "You remind me of mom and dad sometimes... you know that?" He asked her and she frowned.

"You remind me of a streaming pile of shit sometimes," She crossed her arms and the two siblings got split up between Chance who was having none of this.

"Both of you please calm down.... we aren't done this test yet and once you cool down.... maybe figure out a calm way to resolve this," He remained between them and Cas started to get her vision.

"You guys..." She said, "I'm getting my vision, " Cas said with wide eyes as she spoke, "I can read minds!" She said with exsitment and Jacè waited for his.

"Hey... what gives? Now I'm the last one? Pfff this sucks anyway," He blew his bangs out of his face and he watched as the others from the other group started to leave, "Great. Even they all know what they'll be. That's just fan-fucking-tastic,"

"Cheer up man... don't take it so hard," Chance said, patting his back, "We've already been here long enough so I think we should talk to the master about this," Chance and the group started to walk back and as they did, Jacè wondered if he was a mistake.

"What if I'm not even saposted to be here?..." He mumbled and stayed a little ways behind the group. They kept walking until reaching the door leading back into then manner.

The master took notice to Jacè's attitude and looked at him and his group. This man, towered over all of the teens standing there, "You weren't able to find out what your power is?" The master asked him and Jacè nodded, acting as if a wolf would with its tail behind its back.

"I don't know what went wrong sir," Jacè said, sounding a bit worried as of what was going on.

The master took one look down at him and then signaled for the rest of his group to leave to the training room. "No... you are ment to be here," He read Jacè's mind, looking through his blue eyes, "We are missing someone of great importance. I though Cas was the last one but I was wrong,"

"Nine of us?" Jacè asked him, looking over at the master.

"Yes nine." He said, "I will start my search, you need to stay here anf focas on training. Only when we have the last member with the gift, you will know who you are," He said sounding dark and really concerned that there wasin't a ninth child.

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