Chance, The Brain

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A/N: I hope you are enjoying this story as much as I am enjoying writing it 😅 make sure to comment lots and vote if you wanna!


    Chance just revived his news. He was going to be highly gifted in creating things and working with his brain. This really exsited him and yet,  he was still worried about his friend Jacè. Chance suited up for training and worked pretty much all afternoon on weight lifting. "Geeze, I can't belive it," He said looking over at the other two members of his group, "I'm the brain! Isin't that crazy?" He asked them, smiling away.

  The girls were sitting down on benches and lifting twenty pound weights with their wrists. "Good for you Chance," Cas said, lifting the weights up.

"My brother is totally ass hurt. Do you think the master will like..." Mègan paused, giggling as she said the next part, "Throw him away?"

  Cas looked over at her and stopped lifting her weights, "What?! No way, the Master wouldin't do that... would he?..." She looked back over at Chance.

Chance answered straight away, feeling annoyed that Cas would even second guess the master."I doubt it. He's like... one of the best at targeting," Chance looked over at the two girls and crossed his arms, "I hope my buddy dosin't get thrown out,"

   Jacè slammed open the training rooms door, "Have I got a story for you bitches," He smiled and walked up to the group. He sat down on a chair, leaning against the back of it, "I'm not getting kicked out, don't worry your little heads about it," He  rested his arms on it.

  "Why do you have to be such a douche all the time?!" Mègan growled at him and he just stuck his tounge out, mocking her proudly.

  "Anyway, he said we are missing one person. Our group is saposted to have about nine," He looked over at Chance, "That's why I couldin't figure out my power,"

"Woah. I hope she's hot as fuck!" Chance laughed and nearly fell over.  Mègan spoke up "Who knows it's a she? What if he's a he? I betcha feel really stupid now don't you?" She put the weights down and crossed her arms. She had a scowl look on her face, looking really unamused. 

"You are a real downer, you know that?" Chance sighed and Jacè cut in, "I want to help the master, I don't care what he says. I just really want to know who I am,"

Cas looked over at Jacè  "You are really determined. Is there any reason why?" She asked him, sort of wanting to know what his motives were.

"Nothing. I'm just hella mad that you guys all know who you are and I'm just left in the dark," Jacè lied. The real reason was difficult for him and he even hated thinking about why he wanted to be so good at what he did. Then he snapped out of it and came back to reality with his friends sitting around him.

"You don't look so good man," Chance said, "I'm sorry... maybe you need some air,"

"We don't get air here dumb ass, "Jacè sounded annoyed and just wanted to leave them, "I just need some time alone... okay? I'll see you all at dinner,"

The children living in the manner were locked on and watched on a regular basis. They were so used to these rules set in place by the Master that they'd never second guess his teachings and what he had to say. No child was alowed to leave the manner at all, under any circumstances.

  "Fine... no need to be a dick," Chance crossed his arms after putting the weights back down. Jacè stormed off and went to his room, feeling upset.

  "Don't mind him," Cas said and continued working out to build herself to be stronger and ready for what ever the master could as of her.

  Chance continued to work until he decided to test out a few of his skills. He left the training hall and decided to do something crazy. One of the lights in the dining hall, and he wanted to fix it, "Hmmm.... what to do what to do?" Chance found the outlet controlling the power and he turned it off, "There that should do it,"

  The whole entire building blacked out. So Chance just lit a candle and climbed up onto the table and began fixing the light on his own, "Hmm... looks like this needs to go here " He had worked with these sort of things before. Then he quickly fixed the light and hopped back down onto the ground, proud of himself.

  "That outa do it," He smiled and his candle got blown out in an instant. The room started to feel cold and Chance could see his breath hanging in the air, "I'm in big trouble aren't I master?" He was familiar with what the presence was.

"Indeed you are," The power to the house was restored instantaneously, "Why do you feel the need to shut off the power? There are other children training down in the hall!" The master was standing behind him, furiously. 

  "Master... I was practicing my new skills. I have worked with electricity before so I knew I had to shut the power off to fix the lighting,"Chance said in response.

"You aren't to be fiddling around here like that Chance. You are a promising student and must act like one." The master stould at about seven feet tall or more, "If I had not made myself clear when you got here, young man?"

"Yes sir. You did make yourself clear, I understand sir," Chance responded.

"Good boy," He rested his hand onto Chance's shoulder, "Do not disappoint me again. I exspect much from you,"

"Yes sir." Chance said and the master made Chance go to his room as punishment that night.


Chance layed in his bed that night. Thinking about everything that had happend, "I can't belive it I was dumb enough to go and try that on my own," He sighed, "The master probably thinks I'm the weakest kid here," He sat up and pulled out a screw driver he was hiding in his bed matress, "I'm so thankful no one found this yet." He started working on an old video camera that was busted years ago.

  When Chance was kidnapped, he had had a bag on him with some of his stuff in it. Now that he's taken, he dosin't really think about it much.

He spent a few hours fiddling with the camera, trying to get it to work and be as good as new again. Unfortunately, he wasin't quiet sure what he was doing so the camera was a working progress.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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