Freaky Friday

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Today is Friday, the Friday Kian is coming to watch me perform, a song with a guy who sexually harasses me...

I shook the thoughts out of my head, "Okay Scott, let's go another round." I shuffle my sheet music into order.

"I'd love to go a round with you." Scott creeped closer. I winced at his touch, as he placed his hands on my waist.

"Scott! Get the fuck off me!" I screamed. Scott obeyed, removing his hands.

"Now, can we just run through the damn song." I asked.

Scott shook his head, "No time babe, show starts in 30 minuets."

I groaned, walking towards my dressing room.


The gang flew into Napa Valley today, I was so excited to see Ruby.

"Shit, when Ruby said this place was nice, I didn't know it would be this nice!" I gestured to the rolling hills filled with grape vines and lush greenery.

"It sure is beautiful..." Bobby squinted from the bright sun.

"And fucking expensive!" Harrison was looking at listings online.

"Hold on, they want 1 million for a one acre home?" Corey gawked.

"Come on! They show starts in 20!" I rushed them.

"We need to get a ride Kian..." JC said pulling up Uber.


We pull up to the event, and I see Ruby waiting outside for us. My heart starts to beat rapidly.

"Ruby!" I cup my hands over my mouth and her beautiful face turns towards me. She runs over and embraces me in a reassuring hug.


"Ruby!" I hear my name called, I turn to see Kian and the gang walking towards us. My heart melts to see Kian smiling at me, as I run over to hug him I see Scott out of the corner of my eye.

I grab into Kian, hugging him tightly.

"I missed you..." Kian mumbled into my ear, kissing it.

"I missed you too Kian." I nuzzle my face into his neck. We pulled away and I see Kian just watching my every move.

"What..." I asked. Kian smirked, closing his eyes.

"I just am so happy to see you." He responded.


I lead them into the venue and get them passes for back stage.

"Wow, this place is so cool!" JC says in aw of the stage.

"Yeah..." I look down at the time. My stomach lurched seeing I had to be on in 5 minuets with Scott.

"Kian, can I talk to you for a second?" Kian nodded, but just before we could walk away, Scott appears.

"Oh, Kian bud what's up." Scott tried to play it cool.


As I stared at Scott, I looked back at Ruby who obviously seemed uncomfortable and scared. I moved towards him quickly, but I felt Ruby's hand grab mine and I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Scott..." I managed to squeak out.

"Ruby, it's time to go on." Scott winked at her, and eyed her like prey. My mind went crazy, trying to stay calm.

"Okay..." Ruby hesitated and looked back at me. She mouthed "I love you." And walked off.

I stood there, watching her leave.

"Kian, come on man, let's go." Harrison put his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay." I responded.



Me and Scott walked off stage, out of sight from Kian.

"So, Kian and you are still together..." Scott gritted his teeth.

"Y-yes." Frightened, Franny approached us.

"You guys ready." Franny hyped us up.

"Sure." I gulped.


I take deep breaths and make my way on stage with Scott, who has his guitar. I looked to see all of the fans screaming and then Kian and the gang in the front row.

"Uh hey guys! How is everyone?" I awkwardly ask. They scream and scream.

"Great." I say.

"Today me and Ruby will be singing..." I look and Kian.

"...Hey there Delilah!" Scott announced. My face turned at Scott.

"This is NOT the song we have been practicing." I yelled, away from the mic.

"Oops..." Scott glared At me devilishly.

I could feel Kians vibe, and I look at him once more. His face was red and I could see a frown pulling at the corners of his mouth.

"I..." I looked down.

"I can't sing this song." I said.

"What..." Scott angrily said.

"I'm not going to perform this song..." I announced and walked off stage. I heard Scott's footsteps follow me.

"You slut! I can't believe you did that!" Scott pushed me, and hard. I ran into the wall in front of me.

"I didn't sign up for this." I shook my head at him.

"Obviously you did, others wise you would not be here." Scott yelled.

"I meant, I didn't sign up to perform with you, or sexually harassed, and abused." I got close to his face and spit in it.

"You bitch!" He smacked me and I fell to the ground.

"Hey!" Kian charged for Scott. They both ran out onto stage in front of everyone.

"Kian!" I screamed. I ran out to see him on top of Scott, punching him.

Everyone in the audience was silent.

"If you EVER lay a hand on Ruby again. I will kill you..." Kian threatened. I pulled him off Scott, and we ran off stage.

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