Clash of the Regions chapter 1

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Warning: This story will be dark at times YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Chapter 1: The Boy Who Lost it all

It was a sunny day in the Alola region not a cloud in site just a beautiful sunny day. On the island of Ula'ula of the Alola region in the center of the island was Mount Lanakila the tallest mountain in all of Alola and on that mountain was a figure that had black jeans on, a black jacket, a white shirt, black raven color hair that stood out all over the place, and a white fedora hat with a black buckle around the base of the hat, tan skin from the sunny days of being in Alola, chocolate brown eyes that seem to have gotten a bit darker, a keystone embedded in a black fingerless glove in the middle of the top part of his left hand sparkling, and the most interesting thing about him was his faded lighting birthmarks on his cheeks that seem to have faded over the years. You have guessed it this is the mighty Ash Ketchum or aka Damien Black as he called himself incase people from his past found him as does the entire region except a certain few. He is the current champion of the Alola region and besides him was a Gardevoir and a Gallade but instead of normal they were shiny Pokémon and they were twins which made it even more exciting about them. On both of their necks was a megastone for their species embedded in a pendent that they both had on.

The champion was looking across the Ula'ula island and seeing a bit of the other islands next door but not much only the border of where the islands would be. Ash was just standing on the mountain with a emotionless face had he did but his eyes showed great pain and anger. He was thinking of an event that took place a long time ago.

[10 years ago]

A 14 year old Ash was running towards his hometown with with a smile despite his lost in the Kalos league and being the closest he ever got in winning a league. He stops at the hill that overlooked the small town and watched as his partner Pikachu caught up behind him. Lately Pikachu had been more distant towards Ash and doesn't seem to not want to ride on his shoulder very often since their way back to Kanto.

"HELLOOOOOOOO PALLET TOWN I'M BAAAAACK" Ash yelled at the top of his lungs to the small quiet town with his arms like a V in the air as if losing didn't bother Ash like it did as he saw his hometown.

"PIKAAAAAAAAAAAA" Pikachu yelled out as a greeting as well because sometimes during their travels he sometimes missed the old quiet Pallet town and Delia's cooking and his other Pokémon friends that ash caught over the years and let's not forget the ketchup that is at Ash's house.

"Come on Pikachu race ya home" Ash said running towards home. After seconds Pikachu relies what Ash said after day dreaming about ketchup and started running after Ash towards home. They both make it home as a tie as both were panting from running trying to beat the other.

"Another........tie" Ash said panting as he knocks on the door of his house to reveal his mom which resulted in a bone crushing hug

"Mom.....can't.......breath.......need......air" Ash said barley saying each word gasping for air

"Oh heh sorry dear I've just missed you so much" Delia said with a smile letting go of Ash as air begins to fill his lungs again. "Oh and your friends are here to see you Ash" Delia said while stepping into the house.

As Ash steps into the house into the living room he sees all of his friends/travel companions looking at him with expressions on their faces like slight anger and annoyance. Delia then walks into the kitchen knowing where this conversation was going to take place and hope it goes the way she and Ash's friends way.

"Hey guys this is a surprise seeing all of you in one place and its good to see you all" Ash said with a smile as he looks at his friends faces and was sorta confused at their angry and annoyed faces.

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