Clash of the Regions chapter 2

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Warning: This story will be dark at times YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Chapter 2 The Letter and the Tournament

Ash looked at the letter in question not expecting it. As Ash looked at the letter he saw the Golden Ho-oh symbol on the opening and knew that Mr. Goodshow was planning something big. As Ash opened it as he read the letter.

Dear Alola Region Champion,

Hello Alola region champion this is Mr. Goodshow president of the Pokémon League Torch committee. It is my great pleasure to invite you and three other people to the first ever Clash of the Regions Tournament. Now these aren't just you in the tournament a selected group of three trainers you four will be representatives of your region. You and your team will be facing the other regions and their representatives until one side has 3 wins. If a region happens to lose three matches against other regions in the tournament they will be eliminated. Now like I said the other representatives will be picked by having a tournament for three groups. The groups will be groups A, B, and C in the tournament of selecting the representatives. The cerminmony to show the world the representatives will be on June 17 in the indigo leauge  between Kanto and Jhoto. The tournaments first match will take place June 21in the Alola region so be ready the tournament. For the representatives the tournament will take place on June 10-12.

Mr. Goodshow, President of the Pokémon League Torch Committee

P.S Dang Ash your a hard man to find I had to use all of my connections to all the regions to find you. But not just me who was looking for you all of the other Champions have tried an entire regional manhunt for you. Anyway I really hope you come to this it always entertained me to watch you battle reminds you of me when I was your age.

As Ash finish the letter he just looked at it and remembered it was already June 4 and needed to get the league ready for the tournament to decide the other three representatives.

"For the love of Arceus six days had to be six days away" Ash complained irritated as he ran down the mountain with Princess and Prince following him down the mountain.

As Ash reached the the entrance he went to the room where he found all his Pokémon training old and new sparing against each other. In the room the Pokémon that were new and noin Ash on his joruney here in Alola was a Decidueye, Incineroar, dusk form Lycanroc, vickavolt, Toucannon, Kommo-o, Mudsdale, Lurantis, Araquanid, Umbreon, Espeon, Alolan Sanslash, Alolan Ninetales, Flygon, Zoroark, hydreigon, scolipede, Lucario, and finally Dusknoir. When they all saw their trainer they stopped their training and looked at him in question.

"OK everyone there is going to be a tournament on the 21st of this month and it's going to have strong regional trainers so train hard like always" Ash said as all his old and new Pokémon as they nod as they get back to sparing.

"Aloha Ash" multiple voices said at the same time and as he turned around he saw his friends Lana, Lillie, Kiawe, Sophocles, Mallow, and finally Professor Kukui walk up towards the Alolan champion.

"Hey guys" Ash said with a smile to his former classmates as he remembered the adventures he had with them over the years and thought as them as family.

Lycanroc instantly ran up to Kukui and jumped on him and began kicking his face in greeting to the free-spirited professor.

"Ah OK ok Lycanroc I know you missed me pal i did to" Kukui said laughing  as was everyone else at the old duo before Kukui gave Lycanroc to Ash as a Rockruff.

After a few minutes of prying Lycanroc off Kukui as he gets up with slobber almost all over his body and labcoat "I love that Pokémon but he gets slobber everywhere" he said shaking some off.

"So Ash anything exciting happening soon?" Kiawe asked

"Yeah there is a tournament coming up but the tournament before it is happening in six days so I have to get to work now" Ash said then walk away to prepare the league foe the uncoming event.

"Wait Ash we could help spread the word about it the tournament" Lana said catching up to Ash

"That's a good id-" Ash said but was cut off from the news on the TV

"Good evening trainers around the world our top story: A new region wide tournament? Our interview with Mr. Goodshow proves that a regional tournament that will include the Jhoto, Kanto, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Unova, Kalos, and finally Alola.

The TV shows a press conference with Mr. Goodshow with a bunch of mics in front of him.

"Mr. Goodshow is it true your going to have a tournament this summer never seen before?" A reporter asked.

"Yes that is verified" Goodshow answered as he leans closer to the mic as the reporters write in their notepads what was said.

"Can you explain more about what's it about?" Another reporter asked.

"Yes I will reveal is that four representatives one being a champion of each region leaving three special people will be lucky enough to battle in the tournament to prove that that their region is the best" Mr. Goodshow said with a smile as reporters write their notes.

"When and where will the tournament take place?" A third reporter asked.

"The tournament for the representative choosing will be June 10-12 in any region they choose to represent, the ceremony will be on the 17, and the first official match will start in the Alola region with the Jhoto representatives team versus the representatives of Alola" Goodshow said answering back.

The screen turn back to the to the reporter "and that's it folks a tournament never seen before for all the world to see and if you want to sign up for any region of your choosing and sign up because from what we are told you have six days so sign up" the reporter after giving a thumbs up at the camera as it turns to the weather.

"Well I guess we don't have to worry about spreading the word" Sophocles said looking back at Ash.

"Yep seems so" Ash replied back.

"So while we wait how about we help you out getting ready for the choosing of the representatives Ash?" Mallow asked with a smile.

"Sure and it's been a while since we've all hung out" Ash answered back with a smile.

[Kanto, Pallet town]

Delia Ketchum was sitting on the couch as she watched what was said on the news. "A tournament for all the regions?" Delia asked herself as the news ended as Mr. Mime walked up to her.

"Mr. Mime Mime?" (so what are we going to do?) Mr. Mime asked his trainer

"Well Mimey we are going to find my son even if I have to participate in this new tournament" Delia said returning Mr. Mime to his pokeball and put him on a belt holding six pokeball as she walks out of her house.

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