Clash of the Regions chapter 3

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Warning: the story may get dark later in the story

Chapter 3: Brock vs Delia

Today was the day of the tournament and the seats for the adiuence around the league were filled to the max that some had to stand but they all didn't care they wanted to see who would represent Alola to show it's the best. The crowd sees Ash Ketchum or as they know him as Damien Black their champion walking on stage as they cheer mutiple cheers like "I need your autograph!" or "Marry me!" That last one being from some of the women in the crowd and so on.

"HELLOOOOOO ALOLA REGION YOUR CHAMPION IS HEEEEEERE HOW'S EVERYONE DOING THIS MORNING" Ash yelled in greeting to the mic in his hand as the crowd went even more nuts as more cheers were said more and more and more louder.

"Now as you all know that today's the ceremony to elect the three representatives of Alola to prove we are the strongest region" Ash said to the mic as more people waited for him to finish.

As the camera changed from Ash to the contestants it showed about 225 trainers ready to show they could fight with their champion and their region.

"Now there are 225 trainers here who signed up and I'd like give out a personal thanks to every one of them for being here" Ash said looking at the groups.

Some of the trainers nodded, gave a smile ready to battle, or just looked awed that the champion thanked them.

"Now as you all see all contestants are in three separate large groups these are their letters for their groups I gave you group A" Ash points to the left group.

"I give you group B" Ash yelled and pointed to the middle group.

"And last but not least I give you all group C" Ash yelled pointing to the group at the right as the crowd cheered for all three of the groups.

"Now this tournament will take three days the today with it being 1 vs 1 battles, tomorrow being 3 vs 3 battles, and finally the next day after that and the last day it will be full 6 vs 6.

The crowd cheers very loud waiting for the battles to start.

"NOW ENOUGH TALKING I'M JUST AS EAGER AS YOU ALL ARE NOW LET'S GET THIS STARTED" Ash yelled out making the crowd more wild to see the battles.

Kanto, Indigo League (Delia's POV)

After hearing the blaring crowd and being put in Group A before the tournament I see some of Ashs old friends that I may have liked a few days after Ash left years ago but I grew distant from them day after day until finally breaking away after thinking about what happened from Ashs point of view. Prof. Oak still gives me glares whatever I see him doing his glares or behind the back of my head. The first three years I was crying wherever I went and stayed at home hiding only going out if I had to after what was done that day spread throughout Pallet Town like a wildfire as everyone turned against me. I searched through every newspaper, tournaments league or no, and radio to just see or hear something about my baby boy. Then one day I decided to go out into the world with a Pokémon team with Mr. Mime and find him and apologize to him with all my heart and hope he forgives me or at least hate me less.

Brock, Misty, and Gary was walking towards the stadium till they saw Delia walking near them.

"So Mrs. Ketchum find Ashy-boy yet?" Gary said mockingly with a smirk and stayed rude like that ever since his grandfather wouldn't teach him to become a researcher like he was and I may not have been there but I guess it probably wasn't a good day.

"No" I said half angered half sad at them at their smirks as Misty and Brock both had one to.

"This tournament are for those who are strong enough want to represent Kanto in this regional tournament and I don't think a sad mother who lost their son is going to cut to bribe people too have you win" Misty said cruelty in her voice with that snarky smirk she has on her face.

"We will see who wins then we'll see who is strong and who's weak" I shot back annoyed and angry that my fingers start to slowly move to a pokeball on my belt.

"Yeah we will see" Brock said back as we all go in and register and given our numbers with mine being A and after a few hours they had all contestants to the arena as Lance announced all the rules and what's going to happen today and snuck a quick glare at me since he heard what happened and was hurt since he knew me before Ash was born.

As we start the tournament  I see I'm against "Brock the pervert" as I like to call him after hearing what he did to girls during Ashs adventures always asking a girl to date him first chance he sees them. I walked up to the blue side as Brock went to the red.

"Guess your going to leave earlier then expected" Brock said with a somewhat cocky grin.

"No it will be you" I said back a hand ready on a pokeball as was Brock.

"This is a league 1 vs 1 battle between Brock Slate from Pewter city against Delia Ketchum from Pallet Town with no substitutes" the referee said into a mic in his hands so people could hear over the large crowd cheering.

"This will be quick GO STEELIX" Brock said throwing out the giant metal snake-like Pokémon as it roared loudly as it got out of its ball.

"GO LUCARIO" I yelled tossing my pokeball with the blue jackal Pokémon coming out in a battle stance ready to fight.

Both Pokémon just glare at each other ready to fight.

"Begin!" the referee yelled

(Author note: I'm not good at making these so forgive me if the battles in this fanfic suck)

"Lucario use bone rush" I said instantly as the word rolled off the refs tounge as lucario charged at steelix with a aura bone in its hand ready to swing.

"Use iron tail" Brock said back as steelix caught the aura bone just on time with its tail

Both Pokémon were clashing back and forward with the tail and the aura bone until they both got hit in the stomach by both their moves at once sending both flying a little with steelix getting up a little bit slower then lucario as he wasn't affected by the iron tail because of his typing who did a backflip and landed on a flat rock on his two legs ready for another go at the large snake.

"Steelix use dig" Brock commanded as steelix burrowed under the ground waiting to strike

"Gotcha" Delia said making Brock confused

"What are you talking ab-" Brock said after figuring out what was going to happen.


"Earthquake lucario" I said with a smirk as lucario made the arena shake violently knocking steelix out of the ground and knowing with it doing double the damage it did a more larger amount of damage to the ground/steel type when the opponent uses dig and is underground.

Steelix barley gets up weakly as it still had enough energy to do one more attack or take one more hit.

"Damn this bitch is smart I should have seen that coming" Brock thought to himself also with some more "colorful" words appointing towards Delia and himself.

"One more attack and we win this ok" I thought

"DRAGON PULSE! We both shouted as both charged both moves then fired as they both hit as smoke filled the field as I covered my eyes so no dust got in my eyes. When the dust cleared Steelix was on the ground with the swirls in its eyes with Lucario standing tall as the crowd went wild as I see Brock with a shocked face not expecting this.

"Still think I'm weak?" I asked badass-like as I returned lucario and walked back to go to Nurse Joy to heal my pokemon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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