The storm

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Since the storm was a fierce one I told garroth he could stay at my place
Then the lightning strikes and I get scared a hug garroth arm closing my eyes praying it would go away
Ava?are you okay
I-I'm fine.. no your not garroth says as his tone strikes a bit
It's nothing..
It's not nothing if you get scared out of your mind!!
Maybe if I made up my mind long ago I wouldn't have lost someone!!!!!
It's fell silent I tried not too cry but I couldn't keep it in I started crying of course garroth saw this and hugged me
I'm sorry I raised my voice Ava but please tell me what happened?
Quince how are you so calm it's a lightning storm and she's out
"Don't worry Ava I'll go out there
And get her"
Quince no!
*he kisses her*just remember I'll always love you.
Quince no!!!
*flash back over
I started crying I did nothing that day nothing and he died that day
Ava it's okay
Then they go tooo sleep (garroth slept on the couch cause I know you peaple will get dirty minded)

The next day
I wake up and take a shower I see that garroth was still sleeping on the couch so I decided too make breakfast and leave a note for garroth and head out too the park then I sat af a bench and saw some peaple I never though I see again

Baddie(Aaron's sister)garroth  x readerWhere stories live. Discover now