Meeting exs

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Lana said I dare you too have sex with garroth Ava I started blushing and yelling
Aaron was getting angry
Fine fine but you'll have too tell us one thing about yourself that we never knew
Fine well here I go
I'm a virgin
At that moment all the boys were shocked except Aaron all the girls was confused
Until Laurence asked what's a virgin?
Everyone stared at him until Aaron says
It means that she can't have sex so I'm watching all of you!
At that moment everybody there was either laughing or blushing
Soooooooooo that happened can we just do somthing else now everyone suggested we watch a movie.then Aaron decided too make popcorn then we heard a huge explosion and we
Found out the microwave exploded and Aaron was on the floor dazed out
"Ughhhhhhhh"aaron moaned
I sighed and then I helped Aaron onto the couch and I looked out the window it was the evening and I saw a boy walking around that I thought I'd never see...
I only realized I just yelled it out loud so everyone turned too me
Ummm Ava somthing wrong celestia asked me?
I was about too answer but then the doorbell rang
So I   got the door bell too seee
I yelled what are u doing here
He sighed Ava I know I messed but please can we get back together
I said NO IM ALREADY DaTiNG sOnEONe I grabbed Garroth and started kissing him and then I said he's my boyfriend
WHAT!!!!!everyone yelled only then I realized I just kissed garroth my crush and I was blushing so hard
Okay then...he sighed and left I closed the door and ran too a room locked the door and sighed "I can't believe that"but before I could turn around and fall on the bed too sleep I saw someone in the backyard it was

Balto(didn't see that coming right?)
He was in my backyard and then he broke the window and came in and said with a smirk 😏 happy too see me?

Baddie(Aaron's sister)garroth  x readerWhere stories live. Discover now